In India, word creation was itself made into a joke.
Train would be लोह पथ आमनी गमनी यंत्र (with a laugh)
Aim was to kill native language growth with wholesale import. 1/
For e.g. when I was in China, no one understood "bus" "train" ATM" or even "internet." They had their own words. 2/
train รถไฟ Rt̄hfị रथभी (?)
bicycle isรถจักรยาน (Rt̄hcạkryān) रथचक्रयान
Station สถานี (S̄t̄hānī)स्थानी
Station, bicycle, all these have simple sweet Sanskrit words in Thai.
Car is another derivative of Rath.
carรถยนต์ (Rt̄hynt̒) रथयून
Bank ธนาคาร Ṭhnākhār धनकार
"World Bank" becomes a simple, sweet:
World Bankธนาคารโลก (Ṭhnākhārlok) धनकारलोक
Language destruction is not inevitable. By contrast @pmoIndia has made an ugly mixed script Hinglish its official language.

Difficult Sanskrit words led to derision, difficult English words were "erudite."
Now mothership India has abandoned Sanskrit in English slavery, so SE Asia is orphaned, become a much smaller pool.
Now Thai people have started looking to China. More of India's "English advantage."
1. Translate technology books into #IndianLanguages.
2. Spread awareness of the problems, talk to friends, share my book and talks.
3. In companies, take interviews in #IndianLanguages.
4. Your suggestions ...
The contrast with non-colonized Thai is quite obvious.
The destruction of Sanskrit was *accelerated* after "independence."