I, a final yr student of CU @uniOFcalcutta have been tested positive for Covid-19 on 22/09/20. My health is deteriorating day by day. It'll be impossible for me to sit for 2 hrs and write my exam(Oct 1,3,5,7,8) each day by any means. I don't even want to lose 1 whole academic yr.
I'm having extreme body ache, weakness, chest pain, dry cough and high fever. There's no way I could have escaped the situation 'cause my father, a Corona Warrior got infected while treating others and I got it from him. Please guide me through what should I do such condition.
I just have two days left before my exams begin. I request the responsible authorities to please respond as quick as possible. 🙏
कौवे की तरह जानने की चेष्टा, बगुले के समान एकटक ध्यान, कुत्ते जैसी कच्ची नींद, आवश्यकतानुसार अल्प भोजन, घर परिवार तथा सांसारिक मोह का त्याग,
एक विद्यार्थी में यह पांच लक्षण होने चाहिए.
A student should be alert like a crow, have concentration like a crane and sleep like a dog that wakes up even at slightest noise. He should eat scantily to suffice his energy needs, neither less nor more. Also he should stay away from chores of household & emotional attachment.