She was the first women to accept Islam. She was the first wife of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ . She was one of famous businesswomen in Arabia that time.
She was also among those who had the glad tidings of Paradise.
I was nourished by her love - Prophet Muhammad ﷺ about his first wife Khadija R.A.
The year in which Khadija R. A passed away is called "Aamul huzn i.e year of sorrow".In the same year, Prophet's uncle abu talib passed away
She was Prophet Muhammad ﷺ 's main supporter.
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ used to send gifts to friends of Khadija R. A even after her death.
“She believed in me when no one else did; she accepted Islam when people rejected me; and she helped and comforted me when there was no one else to lend me a helping hand.”
Love for her runs in my blood and is nestled in my heart."
-Prophet ﷺ talking
about Khadijah (R.A)
[Musnad Ahmad]