The internet is full of websites that are either fake, fraudulent or a scam. If you’re not careful while using the internet you can end up getting scammed out of your money, or worse, your identity.
#Infosec #CyberSafely #CyberSecurity

Browse the website: take a couple of minutes to double-check the site. Check that the website lists any contact information. Reputable and legitimate companies will always list ways to get in touch with them.
You should also be cautious of domains that end in .net or .org, as they are rarely used for online...
Look for the HTTPS: Legitimate websites have to have the HTTPS protocol, which is reflected in their web address, as opposed to just http://, where the ‘s’ stands for secure.
Check for Ads: If a company has too many...
Check return policy: If the company is selling a product online, it should have a shipping and returns policy listed on its website. If it’s a real company, it should tell you how and where to return a faulty item.
Report any cybercrime incident / activity to and also at the nearest Police station.
Source : @KeCIRT