There's a fine line b/w being aware & alert vs paralyzed with despair. Sadly, it's very hard to do
(a) DJT incompetence
(b) October Surprises
(c) DJT Health
(d) Will of the People
The only reason DJT has been 'successful' in anything has been the well-oiled evil machine of current GOP
FoxNews as sole info for 40% of ppl
White Supremacist Christian Movements
SCOTUS stacked w/partisan hacks
bullying of the MSM
neglect of abusive bosses in media & industry
tacit acceptance of W-Suprem in US culture
All built-in rot that DJT uses
In contrast, compare to a very talented evil crook: Dick Cheney. He got away w/war crimes & grand theft
DJT's group aren't good at crime
i. state sponsored espionage & cyber-hacking
ii. complicity of Facebook etc
iii. MSM bending backwards b/c they've been bullied into coddling Nazis AND b/c they thought HRC was going to win
iv. Comey
Please remember this. DJT squeaked in.…
Another reason he fails so often is that he's evil but stupid…
His plots are stupid b/c he lacks facts. Destroying USPS is insane. It's a universal good.
Basically, Trump is all circus and no bread…
Anyway, his gambits are brutal but not effective. Basically, terrorism. We're left with paralyzing fear.
I'll discuss the next 3, (b) October Surprises, (c) DJT's health & (d) Will of the People, soon.
We're worried Barr and/or GOP Senate will try to rig up a Biden scandal, weaponizing the DOJ & other investigations. It worked very well with w*kileaks (GRU operation) & the NY FBI pressuring Comey (see above, it was the last nail in the coffin)
More importantly, almost all of DJT's recent bizarre gambits immediately fizzle b/c of his shot credibility:…
@HoarseWisperer said (great thread), we've become habituated to DJT's crazy
There are real events that are imminent.
e.g. (i) The newest Senate Intel. Cmte report:……
Anything can come forward, especially from his underage victims. Maxwell can cut a deal; physical evidence abounds. He's very guilty of the worst crimes
Again, both women can release information. Court discovery is a potent weapon.…
In every case above, plus the recent revelation that an over-classified report abt. Nov., damaging info can be leaked…
We're already seeing this avenue w/the #RussianBounties. The IC leaked that. Why not his tax returns? Or even more damaging stuff?
All possible
& in real life for each Ukraine-gambit by DJT I have RussianBounties by anti-DJT on the other side
Next two: (c) DJT's health, (d) The Will of the People
As such, there's a solid chance that DJT won't physically be able to be in office in Nov
But they could hide it, you ask, citing Woodrow Wilson, FDR, Reagan etc. Yes, they can try
To win in Nov, his neurological illness requires he be hidden away, YET his psychological malignancy demands he be the center of attention. The latter always wins
As HRC said, he's a simple puppet…
But I can dream, tho
Dunno. But I'd like to see him fail in public
Trump (ym'sh) is a medical mess
Re: exercise, DJT's ignorance will likely kill him:…
BTW, it's likely the Nov 16 2019 emergency that took him to Walter Reed is when he took his infamous cognitive test…
Last Comfort next, hint:
(see my comments, beginning here in my #RandomThoughts thread):
The 4th Comfort is The Will of the People; a term I'm using for the fact that a broad section of US citizens detest Trump (ym'sh) & want him gone
B/c the conventional wisdom right now is that DJT is quite hated & will lose. Which means any dirty tricks in the election that results in him falsely claiming victory will immediately be seen as illegitimate
The two tiers of "justice" in America, like Constitutionally enshrined slavery, is the terrible paradox of the USA that we MUST uproot once & for all
This site (…) breaks down as of today:
VNeg 40
Neg 12
Pos 18
VPos 23…
The fascist incursion in Portland was met w/the Wall of Moms (…)
People are clearly fed up & will take to the streets
So if DJT tries to claim fake victory there will be an uprising b/c there *already has been*
2020 isn't 2016 or 2000
That will not happen in 2020. Why? Because it hasn't yet