Thank you all for the enthusiasm! #WeAreID #IDTwitter #IDfellows
36F w/ fever for 6 days after the day of returning from Manzini, Eswatini. Stayed there 15 days, visited rural fields. Also, weakness, myalgia, night sweats, sore throat
What is your approach?
Many approaches possible.
Check out this amazing tweetorial by @BoggildLab
1⃣ Common things being common: In addition to RTI, gastroenteritis, SSTI, UTI/STI, DO NOT want to miss: MDRT (malaria, dengue, rickettsial infections, typhoid fever)

Or this great video tutorial by @EvelynSongMD and @CPSolvers…
2⃣Beware of transmissible infections➡️infection prevention: Ebola, Marburg, Lassa, TB, MERS, SARS, Influenza
Here, we wanted to review “ABCDE” mnemonic by @WuidQ
Where did the patient travel?…
Central America
South America
Subsaharan Africa
Southeast Asia
South Central Asia
Great approach by regions here:…

#Body for syndrome
1. Undifferentiated fever illness
2. Respiratory
3. Gastrointestinal: Diarrheal vs. Non-diarrheal.
4. Skin
5. Genitourinary
6. Other…

Time between travel/exposures to onset of symptoms (Period of incubation)
What do you think of this table? Any feedback?

What vaccination/prophylaxis/medications did the patient receive?
Important information when thinking on preventable infections and resistant organisms.

In summary,
1⃣ Common things being common: Think MDRT: Malaria, Dengue, Rickettsial infections, Typhoid fever
2⃣ Beware of transmissible infections -> Infection Prevention
3⃣ #ABCDE approach
What is your approach #IDtwitter?