The petitioners seek that the exams be conducted online.

* Why online exams cannot be considered when viva is done online?
* Reasonable time limit for conducting special exams.
Can there be relaxation of Quarantine rules for students coming from other states and also conduct Rapid Antigen Tests for all those writing exams?
Even for those in quarantine, there are mandatory procedures already adopted when CET exams were conducted, counsel tells HC
High Court asks if a specially designated grievance officer can be appointed.
Government Counsel: That can also be done.
She adds that an order may be passed on this count so this can be facilitated easier.
Within how many days the report must have been obtained, the Court asks.
He added that the students would prefer not to be confined to institutional quarantine, but stay with family/ friends.
1. The nomination of a special grievance officer
2. What would be the situation if a student produces a COVID-19 negative report
The other agencies must step up, in the interest of the students.
You must make a study of Central Universities that have conducted exams.
There is nothing new in this memo. They have not answered the Court's pointed queries.
That cannot be the response of the University when the future of the students is at stake.
Students can travel within the districts.
In today's day and age, there are many platforms offering this service for free or for a price.
For proctoring, you can always take the assistance of other agencies
If can't adapt, it is a scathing indictment of our education system.
Bhat also refers to various other Universities that have conducted online exams.
I am not saying tomorrow, but within a reasonable time when the infrastructure is made available.
He adds that the special chance exam for those students who don't take the exam can be conducted in Jan-Dec and an order can be passed on that aspect.
I cannot say that the Uni should do it "like that". University is the ideal party to make this submission.
If Uni is capable of doing it, UGC has given guidelines
We intend to list the matter 1 week after the closure of the exams.
Direction can be given to Uni to reconsider the request for online when it comes to "special chance exams."
If the University comes back in September and says that "we cannot conduct it (special exam) online", I (students) will be left in a lurch.
He adds that if the Uni can inform earlier whether the special exam can be conducted online, students can take a call on whether they want to risk going for the Uni exam.
They may not be in a position to come back with an informed decision by next week.
If they cannot come back with a decision then, we can see if orders can be passed.
Court says it can pass an order then if required.
Bhat also requests the Court to ask VTU to justify their present stance on affidavit.
VTU has submitted that they will try to hold the special chance exams "little earlier than December or January."
In this time of COVID, whatever technical options that could be feasibly applied should be explored.
The number of "special chance exam" students may be smaller, so university may be in a position to take a better decision after the exam is conducted
Court: This time is sufficient for the University to reconsider (the issue of whether special exams can be conducted online).
University is expected to explore all grievances made by students with all seriousness.
Grievances by students, including students from out of Karnataka, to be addressed by a grievance officer nominated by the Government along with the Registrar of VTU
Matter posted to September 25. Hearing has ended.