The fellow asked the experts: What diagnosis comes to mind?
#IDTwitter, what do you think?
Clinical details, #MayoIDQ and MCQ to follow...

Awesome list of potential pathogens... from staphylococcus / streptococcus to nocardia, TB, fungi (Mucor, Candida, endemics) and toxoplasma, and others.
Without knowing the host and scenario, all are possible. Thank you #IDTwitter.
Now let us learn about the case details..
45M found unconscious.
PMH: alcohol use disorder. No IDU.
PE: T103F RR32 PR110
Murmur. Rales.
No skin lesions.
WBC 27K.
Imaging (photo). No PFO.
CSF TNC 9450 /N92% /prot 150 / glu 20
Name the pathogen.
Thank you for the replies.
This MCQ was an intense three-bacteria fight for the correct answer!
Streptococcus pneumoniae made a last-minute surge towards the end of the pool. :-)
Let us first focus on who is the host and what is the syndrome?
Host: man with alcohol use disorder
- Endocarditis (with septic emboli)
- Meningitis
- Pneumonia
Many of you suggested: #AustrianTriad
Let us next focus on the risk: #Alcoholism
Alcohol can alter the actions of all cell populations involved in innate and adaptive immune responses.... enhance the susceptibility to bacterial infections…
#Alcoholism increases risk of bacterial pneumonia
Meta-analysis showed an increased risk of pneumonia among alcoholic patients…
What is the most common cause of #Pneumonia in #alcohol use disorder?
In a cohort study of 137,496 patients with pneumonia...
#Streptococcus pneumoniae is most common pathogen isolated as cause of pneumonia in patients with alcohol use disorder…
#Alcoholism and Gram-negative pneumonia
In an analysis of community-acquired pneumonia and septic shock, a history of alcohol abuse was associated with infection caused by gram-negative organisms Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Acinetobacter species…
#Klebsiella pneumoniae is increased in patients with alcoholism
#Alcohol is associated with pneumonia, bacteremia and liver abscess due to Klebsiella pneumoniae
(But meningitis and endocarditis are very rare)……
#Staphylococcus aureus is most common cause of native valve endocarditis
- May embolize to cause infections elsewhere, including brain (abscess and hematogenous meningitis) and the lungs
#Staphylococcus aureus #meningitis
Two distinct syndromes/mechanisms
1. Postoperative
2. Hematogenous
In this case: it could be hematogenous S aureus meningitis, which has devastating clinical consequences and elevated mortality rates.…
#Staphylococcus aureus pneumonia
Is this primary pneumonia or septic emboli to the lung from endocarditis
Septic emboli to lungs in right-sided endocarditis. In this case: No IDU. No PFO.
For test-taking skills: if the Q drops hints (no IDU, no PFO) - believe it :-)
Case resolution:
Blood and CSF culture: Streptococcus pneumonia
Rx: Ceftriaxone IV
Triad of pneumonia, endocarditis and meningitis - originally described by Osler, popularized by Austrian.
Thank you for your participation! 38% picked the correct answer.
1. Pneumonia
2. Endocarditis
3. Meningitis
Cause: Streptococcus pneumoniae
- Alcoholism
- Cirrhosis
- Functional asplenia
Endocarditis is least common among the Austrian triad.
Here is a contemporary review of #pneumococcal endocarditis
- 25% is part of Austrian Triad.
- Aortic valve involvement is most common.
- Meningitis is a risk for death.…