I think this neighborhood is technically over the line in Marion city limits, but on the NE side of Cedar Rapids.

Along Amar Drive SE.
#IowaStorms #Iowahurricane

He said when he first came here after the storm he ‘didn’t think anyone could’ve survived’. Some units, it’s like a bomb went off. Some families sleeping outside, in cars #IowaDerecho #IowaStorms

These apartments do not have power, many don’t have gas stoves, people are cooking with whatever they can outside #IowaDerecho

Says for some here ‘this is the only home they’ve owned where they don’t have to look over their shoulder’ #IowaDerecho

Lemi Tilahuan says he shouldn’t have to call local officials to get them out to walk the streets of most vulnerable, they should know to do that themselves. #IowaDerecho #IowaStorms

Home to people from Congo, Togo, Liberia, Micronesia. For many, English is a 2nd or 3rd language. It has been absolutely devastated by the #derecho.
It’s difficult for me to describe the scale of the damage here #IowaStorms

#IowaDerecho #IowaStorms
A neighbor Judith told me mom has since been released from hospital for storm injuries

Some are staying with family at other apts, some sleeping in units here or tents #IowaDerecho

#IowaDerecho #IowaStorms
These kids, this whole community, are survivors, through an incredible, horrific ordeal. Their apartment building blowing apart around them. #IowaDerecho
Pacifique Mushishi asks Americans to ‘please keep paying attention to what’s happening in Cedar Rapids’
Says he feels like a refugee all over again in USA bc of #IowaDerecho
He has a horrific rash on his arms & legs after cleaning up the fiberglass insulation that litters this complex. Says it was everywhere, in the air like dust, he breathed it in #IowaDerecho

He’s since got medical attention at the ER, got a Rx for steroids

He’s declared the entire complex unsafe to occupy. Per a transcript provided by @melodymercadotv, he urged residents not to go inside the bldgs #IowaDerecho

The resilience of the residents there, and the conditions they are now living in, literally left me speechless.
And still they’re so generous, I had to refuse their hot food & water about 5 times #IowaDerecho #iowastorm