
Admitted w/diarrhea & GI graft vs host disease
h/o ALL, multiple relapses including leptomeninges now in remission
What further information do you need? What are your 1st thoughts about what's going on?
Comments regarding localization and other teaching appreciated!
General: chronically ill appearing
HEENT: Moist mucous membranes
Neck: supple, no meningismus
CV: RRR, no m/g/r
Lungs: CTAB, no wheezes, rales or rhonci
Abdomen: soft, nontender, nl bowel sounds.
Ext: mild B pedal edema, stable livedo-like rash on legs
MS: Sleepy, oriented to hospital, unsure why he is in the hospital. Unable to say days of the week backwards. Cannot name “thumb” but can name elbow and wrist, can follow 1-step commands but has some difficulty with 2-step
CN, Motor, Sensory, Reflexes normal
Is his examination focal or nonfocal?
Hb: 6.5 / Hct 18.7 / WBC 11.9 / Plt 69
Neutrophils 73.0% / Lymphs 1.0 / Monos 6.0 / Bands 17.0
Na: 145 / K 3.9 / Cl 104 / HCO3 25 / BUN 37 / Cr 0.47
ALT: 42 / AST: 45 / Alk Phos: 117 / Tbili: 2.0 / Dbili: 1.2 / Albumin 2.6
Glucose: 144
PT: 12.4 / INR 0.9
Protein: 25.5
Glucose 113
RBCs: 172 in tube 1, 1 in tube 4
Nucleated cells: 1 in tube 1, 1 in tube 4
Opening pressure: 21cm H2O
Fluid appearance: clear
Teaching on management appreciated too!