SCOTT BAIO: I‘m someone who knows about Happy Days. Pause for laugh. Oh I wasn’t supposed to read that. Let me start over. I’m someone who knows...
TRUMP: Thank you Fabio. Great kid. I taught him how to act. So Sleepy Joe bombed his schpeesh last week. What a mesh!
BEN CARSON: Hi Don. Thanks for inviting me. I have very good news about the vaccine I developed for COVID while doing the HUD. Me and the MyPillow guy tested it on many of the animals on my backyard ark and it worked twice.
TRUMP: Where’s the mask?
LAYRA LOOMER: There is no mask! The masks developed by Bill Gates to implant kids with chips for this hoax virus!
TRUMP: Isn’t she terrific? A real Republican star!
KRIS KOBACH; Our fund.
STEVE BANNON: Whatever. So you paying us helps us pay you.
KRIS KOBACH: Spoke to Trump backstage, he totally supports this.