Mildest Benign Form: Normal EEG + IMAGING
1:Simple Febrile Seizures
2:Febrile Seizures Plus
Severe Form: Abnormal EEG + IMAGING
3:Dravet Syndrome
4:Doose Syndrome
Typical convulsive seizures, 6month-6years, with fever 38c' or greater.
Mild form of generalized epilepsy, different presentations.
1:Febrile Seizures continues past 6 years which is upper limit of FS, than decrease gradually.
2:Febrile Seizures and Afebrile seizures upto typical age for Febrile Seizures.(6 months to 6 years).
Have multiple types of Seizures like Febrile, Afebrile, Atonic(drop attack), Myoclonic. Disease start with febrile convulsions. EEG Generalized fast Spike-Waves at >3Hz.
>70% patients have SCN1A mutations, 50% of cases have family history of Epilepsy or Febrile Seizures.
Partial Epilepsies with preceeding febrile seizures are well recognized to be part of GEFS-plus Spectrum. SCN1A, SCN1B, GABRG2 mutations have been found.