Check out for tonight’s agenda items, how to listen in, and how to provide your input to the Council.
Live tweet thread to follow here.
Meeting called to order!
Mayor Fine asks to "adjourn our meeting in honor of those who suffer from the wildfire and our first responders."
Now starting with Oral Communications (public comment on non-agenda items).
Steven Lee strongly urges Council to take action on the CEDAW resolution that the Human Relations Commission recommended unanimously over 2 years ago.
$1.9M Page Mill Safety Project Approval…
Second Reading of New Parking Ordinance…
No fires or evacuation orders in Palo Alto as of right now, but all of our City departments with field operations are in a heightened state of readiness.
For the latest updates:
Make sure that you don’t call 911 about the air quality so that we can respond to real emergencies. Talk to your neighbors, touch base, support each other, stay informed, and be prepared to evacuate.
Cooling centers (or "chill out centers") are open on Tuesday and Wednesday this week at Mitchell Park Library, 10am - 6pm, as refuge from the smoke (and heat).
Sign up for AlertSCC to get any warnings or evacuation orders:…
To learn more about what RECs are, here's a friendly video:
In-state energy is 7x more expensive than out-of-state energy.
If we relax PA's rules about making sure all of our resources come from in-state, will save money
State law says must label out-of-state RECs as unspecified power
Staff: It would be marginal, but yes.
Cormack: This is financial arbitrage in some sense but it’s also helping us build the industry somewhere else.
Staff: The REC is transferred to us more than the energy is. No matter where carbon is emitted, wherever we reduce climate there are benefits to the environment.
Staff: The markets are volatile; REC prices tend to be more stable. In several yrs it’s possible CA has more renewable energy generation and Bucket 1 RECs go down
Shikada: Uh Mayor I'll actually lead us off here. Just as a brief intro...Items 4 and 5 are separate items but are closely related. 1st being 8 Can't Wait, 2nd being a report...on Race & Equity, not limited to the police dept
🗣 "I recommend that the Council accept the HRC recommendation without any changes. The department is unnecessarily trying to protect their officers at the expense of the public." (1/2)
Smith: "As a black male in a car that is pulled over, if the officer uses authority to bully the suspect that would be mental abuse."
Smith: "Is the state law the ceiling or the floor? State law is the basement. Palo Alto can do better than state law."
Binder: "The use of force continuum is a ladder, made popular in the 90’s but policy and force options have been improved since then."
Binder: "I'm not sure if I'm answering you're question."
Tanaka: "Not really. I'm trying to get a straight yes or no."
Binder: "I can't tell you tonight, I can give you my opinion."
City Manager wants Council direction to proceed. Emphasizes the distinctions between HRC and Staff are nuanced. Council needs to balance the concerns of PAPD with Chair Smith's concerns.
Tanaka: Maybe implementing these policies means nothing...I don't know.
Mayor Fine: Each section DOES have policy implications.
Kou: "At the end of the day, if you run up against people who are drug induced...and people on drugs have phenomenal strength."
Filseth: "I think the HRC and the PAPD are in violent agreement. But their concern is that if we do a blanket band...somebody might fall on somebody...and it's not covered"
Smith: "We want to cover all of the bases with tactics. I don't have a problem with using 'accidental' after language. We are asking that the intentional tactics are listed out."
Kniss: "I think this is a good place for us to be tonight. I'm going to guess this will come back again. For now, let's head in this direction."
Shikada: "This direction gives us sufficient trajectory."
Shikada: "This is really specific general direction."
Mayor Fine moves to adopt Staff recommendation and incorporate HRC ideas.
Binder says this paragraph provides good, clear explanation and blends SF, MTV, and Lexipol policies.
Smith agrees, as long as language follows SF and MTV, it sets a good ground/bar.
DuBois likes SF language, specifically clarity. Not sure how paragraph will be applied but agrees for tonight. Asks PAPD if there's any problem.
Binder: No, but Palo Alto is unique, including PAPD. Wants to steal language best fit for Palo Alto.
Smith likes the word respectful, all public facing city employees should be a model.
Binder agrees with Smith
Fine recap. 2.A and 2.B direct staff to come back to council with recommendations. Regarding 2.C, asks City Manager and PAPD what the effect and consequence would be.
City Manager clarifies 2.C would give direction for Staff and PAPD to discuss
Filseth asks if there's a circumstance that would be considered consistent with police policy but not with HRC policy?
Binder clears up there's no functional difference.
Binder wants to be careful about forcing officers to move up force ladder, should provide officers leeway if all options aren't feasible.
DuBois edits 2.D to make "policy include concept of shooting as a last resort, consistent with HRC and PAPD objectives".
Binder, prompted by Kniss, talks about the sanctity of life, should only be taken when necessary.
Smith mentions culture Chief Johnson and Assistant Chief Binder could address these issues. Comfortable saying they are working towards a good culture.
C is said to be 4, but D is interjected as 4.
Smith clarifies HRC agrees with PAPD that force continuum is antiquated.
Binder throws a wrench, there are two separate recommendations in 8CantWait regarding use of force continuum and exhausting all possibilities.
Binder believes they capture HRC recommendations with important caveats.
Smith is comfortable with the language.
Smith elaborates that SF policy have concise and clear language. Problem with PAPD is their high level ideas are good, but there are no specific details.
Binder says they are for saving lives.
See you at 10:00!
Filseth & Kniss: OK
Filseth: As a cleanup of the policy manual. OK
Kniss: OK
Binder: There was a shooting in 2015, maybe last one before that was in 2001.
Filseth & Kniss: OK
Shikada: If you'll indulge me, the next Agenda Item will speak to this.
Shikada: Can't say, but we promise we'll do our best. 👌
Also as far as timeline goes, as Cormack said there's an enormous amount of work, we'll need support from Staff.
DuBois: Just getting started, no timeline yet.
Kou: I'm interested in reviewing the union contract, and learning more from the union reps.
Cormack: Some overlap between ad-hocs not sure how to avoid stepping on toes.
Filseth: Two kinds of information we're looking at, 1) specific engagement with the public, and 2) statistical information like pattern of stops and calls.
Kniss: Spoke with Mayor in Sunnyvale ,"one of the thoughts I had was if police or firefighters got to do a ride alone in other cities."
Niccolo De Luca: "Polce safety bills run the gamit - crowd control AB66, AB96, police disclosure records"
Mentions that there are 10 bills that will be on the floor.
Cormack: Not enough info currently. We need objectives before metrics.
Tanaka: Not advocating for Sunnyvale model. We need to make sure it’s a clear win. I do agree about the objectives.
Let’s put something like a box around the issues that we’ve taken on. Let's proceed with care.
Chief Johnson: Would welcome that, we have great relationship with the ICA. We’ve discussed that there’s room for expansion.