No amount of immune boosting is going to protect you from diseases if the body does not have proper metabolism. Your body system is designed to overcome all the major diseases by itself. (2/n)
How can you determine whether you have proper metabolism? Here we need to look into the definition of health given by #Ayurveda (3/n)
"Samadosha, samagnischa samadhatumala kriyaha prasanna atmenindriya manaha swasthya ityabhidheeyate” (4/n)
1. Proper appetite (feeling of hunger)
2. Proper digestion
3. Proper elimination of feces
4. Proper elimination of urine
5. Proper elimination of wind/flatus
6. Lightness of body
7. Clarity of senses
8. Proper sleep
9. Proper waking
11. Proper complexion
12. Pleasant state of mind
If any one is these is not proper, it means that your body's metabolism is deranged and needs correction. In such cases any random herb will never help to recover or correct the deranged metabolism. (6/n)
Always remember there is no miracle drug which will cure everything everytime.
#Ayurnidhi #Ayurveda #immunity #health #yoga
( 7/n)