Tonight is a study session so no public participation. We've got an update on policing, including reforms and oversight.…
So city council in 2015 put a moratorium on height modifications EXCEPT in the places in the Appendix J map, which you'll hear referenced a lot tonight.
The height limit moratorium has been extended two times, with the thought to complete community benefit.
Three options on the table: Affordable commercial space, arts/culture space, and human/social services space.
Reality: We're not talking about going over 55 feet. Ever. Anywhere.
The city has to figure out some pretty complicated costs and impacts to set the level of community benefit.
Should we require certain materials? Protect views? Require that upper floors be set back? Limit size in other ways, such as length?
The members of that group were not named, which I don't super love. Not very transparent.
For below-market rate commercial space, a few questions for council: Do we want to limit the size of spaces? (which would be better for smaller businesses) or limit franchises/national chains?
Visual art studios, maker spaces, or education spaces
Performing arts studios, practice spaces, education spaces...
Visual art galleries or co-ops
Performing arts venues, concert halls, or black box theaters
Amphitheaters, sculpture parks, or other outdoor arts venues
Video, film, and digital arts studios, education spaces, interactive experiences...
Art or cultural uses that contribute to the growth and vitality of any locally designated arts districts
A list of possible beneficial uses:
Daycare centers
Day shelters
Essential service facilities
Group home facilities
Nonprofit healthcare facilities
Nursing care facilities that accept Medicaid for at least a set % of beds
Overnight shelters
Residential care facilities...
Family resource centers
Services for underserved populations (e.g., developmental disabilities, food pantries)
Or anything that serves a special population and a review body says is community benefit
Guiler: We plan to convene the site review focus group. In the case of height modifications, those decisions would still come to planning board. (and be subject to council approval)
Guiler: Our economist is looking at that.
Guiler: It's still in process. We're looking at 30Pearl (which will have the city's first affordable commercial space)
Guiler: We're going to be relying heavily on our economic consultant to provide. We'll bring options back to council.
Guiler: That's the difficulty being revealed by the below-market-rate commercial. We have to dig in more.
Guiler: The economist is going to present on that.
Guiler: We're drawing from form-based code (wish I could explain this to ya'll but I really can't right now. I will eventually.)
Guiler: No applicants pursuant to Phase 1. Those requirements started Jan. 1 and then we were in "full pandemic mode" by March.
Guiler: "We've not gotten any inquiries." ... We've gotten anecdotal comments from some that it doesn't provide any incentive.
Guiler: That's what we're hoping. We don't want the economist to come back and say, 'We want this amount for this use, but a larger amount for THIS use.'
It was supposed to sunset in 2017, then extended to 2020, then again through May 2021.
Wants to ditch Phase 2 of Community Benefit and leave it with Phase 1 (which was affordable housing, which is done)
Generally on board with the additional community benefit.
Low-cost grocery stores are affordable. I don't have the data on that, so I don't want to nix it without knowing more."
Weaver: There should be a fee "if the community benefit goes away" but we need flexibility for it to "evolve over time."
And with that, we're on to use tables. @threadreaderapp please unroll. Thanks!