Lolling about on the sofa (instead of playing sport) is the way to make your heart go funny on the scans!
Fear is useful if it helps you take sensible precautions, such as getting OTHER people to wear masks (as well as you, of course), and not getting too close, even when everyone seems well.
But it is not a reason to go utterly bonkers.
I realise that there are rumours of myocarditis, ghouls, goblins etc.
Step 1.
Is there "itis"? Is the CRP frightening?
How about some "myocard"?
Let's get me some "myocard"
I love the smell of myocard in the morning.
Leave me alone.
I have proper stuff to do. This paper gives a very nice clearing of people who have had Covid WITH SYMPTOMS SO MUCH THAT THEY STILL HAD TO HAVE AN MRI SCAN to participate in sport.
All I keep getting sent is this paper. And the paper is A-OK for a good recovery from even rather nasty Covid.