"DEFICIT FINANCING" is the act of allowing GOJ to spend more than they receive in taxes and then borrowing to pay for the difference.
This was the hallmark of the Omar Davies MoF.

It can create a negative cycle that is very hard to break where GOJ has to keep borrowing to effectively pay off debt. We were stuck in that cycle for at least 1.5 - 2 decades.
- A global financial crisis in 2008 that prevented GOJ from being able to continue borrowing.
- The need for an IMF programme, where we are 'inconsequential' in the sense that we have to take the terms they insist.
- Selling Air Jamaica & Sugar Company (because both required GOJ to keep spending -- and therefore borrowing -- on them EVERY year)
- Doing JDX & NDX.
The amount of abuse we have suffered as a country is incalculable.
There are many countries that entered IMF agreements and failed out of them (Argentina, Greece & JA many times before).
I have tweeted about that on many occassions and there are 2 great Financial Times articles about it that you can read.
Now, to be clear, there MAY be cause for GOJ to do some Deficit Financing within the context of COVID.
BOJ is forecasting GDP to drop 10% this year. So just for normal operations...
But it HAS to be controlled and it HAS to be the absolute LAST RESORT. It should also be restricted...
It should NOT be used to finance wild campaign promises like giving every Tom, Dick & Harry $48K towards their JPS & NWC bills.
That alone, makes him unfit for office, if I am going to be blunt.
Primarily because it shows that he is prepared to do ANYTHING to get power, including destroying his hard-earned legacy of fiscal prudence.
The only one I liked was the Rent-to-Own scheme.
Everything else felt like handouts.