I love the intellectual honesty.
Manufacturing has grown for 13 of the 16 quarters.
Man is so passionate about what’s happening.
New vocabulary for cranes is needed because we are seeing so many different types, from “telescopic” and many more.
As compared to the average for the prior 4 years was 0.3%.
He literary bended down, and did a motion with his fingers that reminded me of the gif below.
He is up to 19 pages of jobs recently.
Hilarity ensued.
Going back to Feb 2015, there were only 6 pages of ads with “bare ads” on the pages.
Male unemployment is down to 6%.
The gender gap between jobs for men and women has dropped from 9% in 2013 to 2.6%.
This is the same strategy GOJ is embracing.
“Prosperity doesn’t discriminate”.
Can someone find the original tweet for me plz? I can’t find it right now.
Refinancing of the debt of TJH saw the cost of debt from 9% to 5+%.
GOJ will realize $12B in cash from the $3B+ in Pref shares that it owned in TJH and still own equity.
36,000+ applications.
$1B in applications from public sec.
He also shouted out #FinanceTwitterJa and the work we are all doing.
They will be investing $3.7B on the MoBay bypass. A 4-Lane Road for 15KM.
A number of other projects for MoBay get funding.
$1B to buy 50 garbage & compactor trucks in 2020 and an additional 50 more in 2021, so an additional 100 new garbage trucks will be online within the next fiscal year.
$1.9B for the delivery of 30 fire trucks.
The Western Children Hospital will also get some funding.
MOEYI will get $117B, which is the largest expenditure item behind debt servicing.
New classrooms will be constructed. More schools removed from the shift system.
Nat. Sec. will get $15B in Capital budget (ie infrastructure and building, etc.), renovation of 40 police stations.
$10B in loan guarantees for MSMEs has been taken up by DTIs.
Bigee project - to boost VC in JA - should be launched before end of budget process.
We spend more on cash transfers for the most vulnerable than the region.
Dr. Clarke started it with the portion of Sandy Gully that runs through his constituency.
This is huge.
Imagine you can work for GOJ and...
Quite intriguing and brilliant.
It will be for specific disciplines and key areas that are strategic to the goals of GOJ.
Scholarship recipients will be bonded for some time after they complete studies.
Dr. Clarke made a decision to not politicize why we got into the place of high debt. A very easy tool that most politicians wouldn’t resist to use.
He deserves plaudits for being responsible.
- $12B from Wigton, $6B paid back GOJ debt.
- $12.7B will go towards debt repayment as a result of TJH IPO.
- $4.7B of that came from a dividend.
- $4B from net IPO proceeds
PCJ has been receiving 1% of SCT on gas taxes and has accumulated $6B in cash balance.
GOJ wants to ween public bodies off of borrowing from Central Government.
GOJ has accumulated $28B from agencies.
GOJ will pay $73B for accelerated in debt payments approx 3.3% of GDP!
Today, we are ahead by 5points with debt to GDP down to 90.5%.
Primary Surplus Target will be reduced to 5.4% of GDP from 6.5%.
This releases $25B in fiscal space.
At this rate, we very well may hit the 60% debt-to-GDP target by 2025 that Fitch claimed to be skeptical about and that @DrNigelClarkeJa had previously said we will achieve.
He specified the potential downward revisions that may be needed, but I missed the figures 😔
Even with lowered growth outlook, debt is projected to still hit the 60% of debt to GDP target by 2025.
GOJ will be giving tax breaks. “Counter cyclical Fiscal” policies [MUSIC TO MY EARS] are favored by this administration.
MoF made the argument that this asset tax is a hindrance in the monetary transmission mechanism.
He is setting up for a potential announcement on rolling back the Asset Tax on Financial Institutions.
Based on the responses of FIs in terms of expanding credit, will inform how they move re: the balance of the asset tax.
This is literally what I called for many months ago.
Can someone find that plz.
It wasn’t a 50% reduction, so Dr. Clarke was more aggressive.
A tax credit of $375K for every MSME that files taxes in Jamaica.
Potential Revenue loss is expected to be about $1B.
GOJ wants more people to formalize and file taxes legitimately and get that tax credit.
Mortgages are up 74% YoY as a result of the tax changes in last budget and cheaper credit.
GCT will be reduced by 1.5% to 15% effective April 1st!!!!!
It’s actually a 9.09% of GCT, or approximately $14B in foregone GCT revenue.
This will likely boost consumption.
GOJ will provide an advance of $2B against the budget (not an increase) for MoH to help with #COVID19 preparation and preventative & treatment measures.
It will also consider other health related issues, should conditions deteriorate.
For example, expansion of cash or in-kind transfers, temporary quarantine facilities, etc.
It won’t be used for any frivolity.
To use it, will require a supplementary budget passed by parliament.
I have so many thoughts on this.
I can’t recall a budget that both cuts debt significantly, gives tax relief and a sizeable fiscal buffer for contingency purposes.
That’s all folks.
Thanks for staying tuned.
Wake the town and tell the people!
cc: @GuyaneseCV (I couldn’t tag you for some reason).