So Who is at risk? And why?
♥️Hormones fluctuate over a lifetime in BOTH men &💃♥️There are benefits of estrogen in women protecting them but at menopause it changes and more risk factors ⤴️the risk for ♥️ disease

🔺⤴️insulin resistance
🔺⤴️ adverse cardiometabolic risk profile
All seen in menopause, increasing the risk of CVD in 💃

✅we know a lot about obstructive CAD
❎WE do not know enough about Coronary Vasomotor disorders or Microvascular disorders (INOCA/MINOCA)- these affect 💃
Our knowledge about assessment & treatment of non obstructive CAD remains limited

♥️Women with more diffuse disease
♥️Men with more focal lesions
♥️Prognosis not better for 💃

Understand the sex-specific risk factors in women like preeclampsia; should be part of our history taking
#sexdifferences @ASCVDRiskEnhancers