♥️Too few 💃 enrolled in studies based on prevelance esp in CAD and HF
♥️NIH/Gov funded the worst enrollees of women! We need to change that

♥️ Sn/Sp of tests based on doing Cath for Obstructive CAD: these are NOT false positives! so these numbers are outdated IMHO
♥️every imaging modality has + &- to consider when imaging women

♥️Prognostic implications of CAC in women vs men well established: CAC >300: 💃 do worse
♥️Nonobstructive disease more prevalent in 💃
♥️ Implications on imaging women ultimately

‘Common Soil Hypothesis’ : #INOCA and #HFpEF linked by CMD
#stresstesting #women #sexdifferences @AnastasiaSMihai @HeartOTXHeartMD

♥️Women have smaller epicardial coronary arteries than men, after adjustment for age, BMI, BSA, LV mass
♥️Women demonstrated higher coronary blood flows

♥️In Women left breast and imaging of heart need to be considered
♥️In both men and women, we need to reduce radiation anyway so strategies for this outlined
♥️pregnant 💃: delay imaging or use imaging without radiation if possible

Stress Testing in women:
♥️Need to take into consideration differences in pathophysiology, anatomical differences, types of atherogenesis, pregnancy, left breast exposure to radiation
♥️Integration of both function & anatomy may improve detection of IHD in women & INOCA