✅Stargate Testnet Gaia tag was updated to 1a. Testing is ongoing ⏩github.com/cosmos/gaia/re…
Make sure you keep up with the Stargate upgrade ⏩ github.com/cosmosdevs/sta…
and check out the website for upcoming events ⏩
✅Starport v0.0.10 by @tendermint_team was released! Check out the new features and how easy it is to build a @cosmos blockchain ⏩medium.com/tendermint/sta…
To try out Starport, go to github.com/tendermint/sta… and check latest video 🎥
✅did you miss @AltheaNetwork 's dev call on Peggy, the @cosmos <-> @ethereum bridge & the latest updates shared by the team? ⛩️
Rec here 📽️
✅Next call: Intro to Peggy on Hub, Wed Sept 2nd, 11am PDT. Join 🎥
✅#IBC Update: @agoric finished testing their VatTP distributed object protocol, begun the upgrade of their blockchain integration to the current Cosmos Stargate branch ⏩github.com/Agoric/agoric-…
✅@agoric ‘s weekly recap is out ⏩
✅@FreeFlixMedia and @CosmicCompassIO join @cosmosindia_ ‘s and @PersistenceOne ‘s in their efforts to support community initiatives for @cosmos adoption in India and Asia ⏩medium.com/freeflix/freef…
✅@CosmWasm’s first monthly newsletter is out! Check out the updates on the testnets’ launch, workshops, CosmJS 0.22 release and more! ⏩preview.hs-sites.com/_hcms/preview/…
✅3 mil new #Atoms delegations today. Bonded rate increased to 71.2% ⏩
✅the @cosmos ecosystem is growing by the day. Check out the current state by @DeFiNewsCo ⏩
✅transfer volume is spiking on @cosmoshub as one of the most important metrics according to a @Cosmosscan report ⏩
✅ the proposal to introduce privacy-preserving secret contracts to the @SecretNetwork mainnet will be made on Sept 8th, 2020. If passed by the community, the secret contracts network upgrade would take place on Sep 15th ⏩blog.enigma.co/the-secret-is-…
✅@BandProtocol integrated with @Tronfoundation ⏩
✅@microtick_zone voted to reduce downtime penalty from 1% to 0.1% ⏩
✅find the latest news in @regen_network in the weekly update ⏩
✅@kava_labs ‘s community call is scheduled for Tue, 1st Sept, 2am UTC ⏩
✅@kava_labs prepares for Gateway mainnet launch ⏩
✅Kava, the future of money -new article ⏩medium.com/@FinMaas/the-f…
✅exciting new announcements for @terra_money:
- roadmap publication together with a $35k testnet developer contest ⏩
-listing announcement for @BittrexExchange ⏩
✅Igor Konnov, from @informalinc is co-chairing CONCUR 2020 this week during @qonfest2020 ⏩qonfest2020.github.io/program.html
✅for #devs looking for Grants, check out @irisnetwork ‘s grants programs ⏩
✅new @cosmos event by @AfricaCosmos ⏩medium.com/cosmosafrica/e…
✅@Sentinel_co team is preparing for launch ⏩
✅@SecretNetwork new Sharing secrets episode scheduled for next week ⏩