✅new @cosmos DAppNode v.0.1.0 from @DelegaNetworks @wimel85 & @DragonStake @Der_Fredy full of new features: SSL, Lunie Ledger support, Rest API & RPC. In one click you can have your own node & manage your accounts with @luniehq ⏩medium.com/colmenasvq/dap…
✅@StakingRewards makes an excellent case study about the staking industry including predictions, challenges, how to attract users, governance and what do delegators value the most
✅@foamspace is working with @interchain_io on Haskell based SDK & production level ABCI servers for @cosmos & @tendermint_team opening new language options for devs. All devs looking to build BFT replicated state machines join here⏩discourse.foam.space/t/foam-working…
✅@kwunyeung from @forbole created a proposal of @cosmos on stack exchange. We can support the growth of @cosmos here⏩area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/1226…
✅@SikkaTech hosted a community call last week. Watch it here⏩
✅what else has happened?❓