In our 1st September Tweetorial we’ll discuss #MLDMAX,the new standardized OCT-guided PCI workflow.
6 letters representing
6 steps
of the PCI goal to MAX-imize stent expansion to deliver optimal results.
Important Safety
#MLDMAX is an acronym for the OCT workflow in the LightLab Clinical Initiative, a multicenter, prospective, observational study in the US to evaluate the impact of a routine workflow on physician decision-making & procedural efficiency.

M – Morphology
L – Lesion
D – Diameter
M – Medial dissection
A – Apposition
X – eXpansion
Pre-PCI OCT [MLD] --> inform your treatment strategy
Post-PCI OCT [MAX]--> optimize stent placement

Precise and Easy? Check
Thank you to the 8 physician experts who developed this workflow to easily use the information OCT provides throughout the PCI.
LightLab showed OCT changed angio-based decisions in
83% of lesions during pre-PCI planning(MLD’s influence)
31% of lesions during post-PCI optimization(MAX’s influence)

Realize the benefits of OCT for PCI decision-making regardless of your experience level. The benefit was achieved in novel and experienced users, Bezerra et al:

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