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Sep 8th 2020
1/Week 2. How does proper identification of morphology with OCT impact treatment strategy?

Today we discuss the 1st step in the OCT-guided PCI workflow #MLDMAX: Morphology (M)

At the end, assess your morphology skills w/ a quiz.

Important Safety Info:
2/ Morphology assessment affects vessel prep which impacts stenting strategy.

In the LightLab Clinical Initiative, #OCTimaging changed physician’s angiographic assessment of lesion morphology in 48% of lesions or about 1 out of every 2 lesions.

3/ When a lesion type change occurred, calcification was the predominant morphology observed in pre-PCI OCT pullback. Misdiagnosis of calcification changed vessel preparation strategy in 28% of lesions.
Read 9 tweets
Oct 29th 2018
1/Welcome to our third #OCTober #Tweetorial 🎃🤓. Here we’ll talk
about how #OCTImaging can help detect the mechanisms of in-stent
restenosis (ISR) to guide treatment. #imagefirst #imagelast

Important Safety Info:
2/ What causes ISR? Stent underexpansion and neointimal hyperplasia (NIH) are the two predominant mechanisms of stent failure, as cited in this expert consensus document of the European Association of PCI:

Important Safety Info:
3/Here’s how stent underexpansion and NIH are seen on angiography and OCT respectively. To spot NIH, look for a large layer of growth on top of an already fully expanded stent.

Important Safety Info:
Read 7 tweets
Oct 15th 2018
1/Welcome to our second OCTober #Tweetorial 🎃🤓. We’ll talk about diagnosing and treating calcific plaque with #OCTImaging. #imagefirst

Important Safety Info:
2/The absence of intravascular imaging may lead to underestimation of calcium and improper diagnosis, as seen in the chart below, courtesy of Richard Shlofmitz, MD. #OCTImaging #imagefirst

Important Safety Info:
3/Calcific plaque is characterized as having low attenuation (light penetrates deep, can see tissue) & clear, delineated edges (appear as “islands” or “rocks”). In this image, calcific plaque is observed from 12 o’clock to 3 o’clock.
Important Safety Info:
Read 12 tweets
Oct 2nd 2018
1/Welcome to our first OCT #Tweetorial! We'll cover a few key
concepts and share a step-by-step guide on the basics of image
interpretation 🤓 #imagefirst #OCTimaging

Important Safety Info:
2/First things first, what is OCT?

OCT stands for optical coherence tomography which is an imaging modality that uses near-infrared light to provide high definition images of the artery.

Important Safety Info:
3/What are the basic elements of an OCT image? Here's what you see in a radial cross-sectional view:

Important Safety Info: #OCTImaging #imagefirst
Read 8 tweets

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