Firstly, an amazing DIGITAL experience... Brining everyone together, breaking all barriers, diminishing borders.
@Barbara_Casadei @Steph_Achenbach @mmamas1973 @DrMarthaGulati

From Brazil! RCT Stop ACEi/ARB or not in covid, showed the safety of ACEi/ARB. In fact there was even possibly a suggestion that continuing is better. But bottom line SAFETY is safeguarded.
@JoaoLCavalcante @pabeda1

Apart from that the Emperor in this study was far from reduced! Empagliflozin in heart failure showed improved CVS death or hospitalisation. A much needed study brining great news! Monetary cost to be considered though!
#epeeps @ShrillaB

Much needed break-through study for HCM patients. Mavacamten, a new class cardiac myocyte modulator, showing significant improvement in Phase 3 study. This one can say "REMEMBER MY NAME"!…
#cardioed @Hragy #echofirst

The 2020 ESC AF guidelines...Lots of info here that makes practical sense
Assess the risk & treat accordingly... It is 126 pages, so I cann't summarise in one tweet... but here is my tweetorial on this
#epeeps @wordfinga @mencardio

The 2020 NSTEMI guidelines.
Again lots of information but Diego @drdargaray summarised it all VERY NICELY!
@mmamas1973 @VijayKunadian @CardioIAN @aayshacader @mirvatalasnag @TharushaGunawa4 @merinopoulos @ohanloncmr @anna_multitask

Apart from a COOL name...This study showed 0.5mg Colchicine- a cheap, repurposed drug improves survival in chronic coronary disease. Reduced outcomes HR 0.69; 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.57–0.83; p<0.001

Women had less cardiac disease than men 👍👏 but unfortunately received LESS secondary prevention therapy 😱THIS NEEDS TO CHANGE... EDUCATION, EDUCATION & MORE EDUCATION
@DrMarthaGulati @purviparwani @ErinMichos @iamritu @biljana_parapid @ShrillaB @hvanspall

This is not everyone's cup of tea- but it is an amazing piece! AI analysed HFpEF ECG in SR could "predict" future AF. This is amazing as #preventive measures can be instigated and timely anticoagulation. I think the future is bright!

Looking my tweets, I felt this one deserves a TOP 10! Let's Kill the p value!! by Prof Pocock.. his argument: it is not just a p value, it is the type of study, the clinical impact, a 0.06 in correct setting might be > powerful than a 0.04