HOW does gabapentin work?
DOES gabapentin work?
WHY is gabapentin so shady?
Join me for a #tweetorial?
Keywords: Glutatmate, Asterixis, Alcohol-use disorder
#livertwitter #MedTwitter #meded
Admitting a non-#cirrhosis patient with gabapentin overdose as an intern, I saw asterixis
This 🤯
If it caused asterixis (throwback: ), did that mean it causes HE?
Gabapentin has confused me ever since
Suffice it to say, I have been suspicious of gabapentin for a long time. First the asterixis, then the shady marketing
We even found it was associated with incident hepatic encephalopathy! #cirrhosis…. #livertwitter
To review
1⃣Gabapentin ⬇️glutamate & GABA signaling without binding GABA receptors
2⃣Glutamate & GABA play a role in alcohol use disorder (AUD) & in etoh-withdrawal physiology
3⃣Gabapentin may be useful for AUD
4⃣That's cool. But gabapentin is still super shady
This concludes a #tweetorial on gabapentin. I hope you enjoyed!
🙏Thank you for reading 🙏
It has been a rollercoaster of emotion and rapidly changing opinions for me as I have tried to understand this🍌drug🍌