Another Epstein survivor speaks up
The fascinating part however is WHO actually allegedly trafficked her to these people
Jessica CoIIins was *abducted* by mostly-forgotten DC madam Deborah Palfrey (another post-arrest suicide)

It’s like the conviction never happened
Why does that matter?
In 2016, DPalfrey’s attorney claimed that Palfrey’s records were relevant to the 2016 Election
The Supreme Court barred the attorney from releasing any of her records
CC @Mareq16

& per @Mareq16 ‘s find, we now have an Epstein survivor claiming she was abducted by Palfer & trafficked to B!den, No Name, Prince Albert

-Survivor ties Epstein to “suicided” DC Madam (conviction vacated)
Prince A
-Palfer’s lawyer had info “relevant to 2016 election”; SC ordered them sealed
-Palfer tied to Halper
@Beer_Parade @mwam1993 @DamonRiddle3 @KcitKcot @bvoice_p