I am the luckiest person in the world to have such wonderful trainees who organized the most amazing #IwasakiLabReunion/birthday zoom party yesterday. I am still in awe of how incredibly inspiring it was. Here are a few highlights I want to share with you. (1/)
The event started with a delicious lunch delivered to my door for me and my family, to be followed later by my favorite dinner 🍣and 🎂 🍾 🎁 in the evening 😋 They really know how to spoil me! The entire day was packed with amazing talks, trivia sessions and Prince songs 💜(2/)
The talented @YYexin drew this beautiful picture with my quote, “To be successful in anything, you have to enjoy it and enjoy yourself while doing it.” (4/)
What I found to be a common thread in all the amazing talks is that everyone is so resilient in their pursuit of their scientific quest. In their own respective labs, they found answers to long standing questions they began asking while they were still trainees. (5/)
For example, @EllenFoxman took 10 years to find the right experimental system to solve her question, “what is the basis of viral interference?” in this awesome study just published 👇🏽 (6/)
.@YosukeKumamoto took enormous effort to generate mouse models that allow conditional deletion of genes in his favorite dendritic cell type (CD301b+ DC2) to solve an inexplicable observation he made 7 years ago in this fantastic study👇🏽(7/)
Just before leaving my lab to join Irv Weissman’s lab, @ImmunoFever told me how excited she was to test her hypothesis that CD47 (don’t eat me signal) may be induced on infected cells to regulate immunity. She published a paper showing just that! (8/)
In 2012, @HShin_Lab observed that Prime and Pull reduced disease without affecting viral load in the vaginal mucosa after HSV-2 infection👇🏽 In her own lab, she figured out how disease is dissociated from viral load. Stay tuned for her publication. (9/)
Carrying the torch to @fredhutch, @JennyLund15 continues to uncover new roles of #Tregs in immunity to genital herpes infection. Xinyan Zhao is now a president & CEO of Adept Therapeutics focused on cancer immunotherapy. Norifumi Iijima uncovering how adjuvant works. (10/)
Our current trainees gave fabulous talks, too! @weizmano on his new discovery of innate immune control of metastasis (pub in preparation), and @ericsongg on his study on neuron infection by #SARS_CoV_2 (11/)
A surprise video of my dear friends, colleagues and role models giving birthday wishes to me. OMG 🤩😭 it made me soooo happy! I will cherish this forever… Thank you all 🙏🏼 (12/)
During the reception, we discussed the problems of toxicity and discrimination in academia. My dream would be to make changes so that everyone is given a safe environment to excel in science. As @aliceluculligan points out, science isn’t a zero-sum game! (13/)
The most gratifying revelation of #IwasakiLabReunion was that my former trainees, wherever they are in whatever profession, are spreading #kindness & #generosity to their own mentees. If I had anything to do with it, this is by far the greatest contribution of my career 🙏🏼 (End)
Oops how can I forget to mention Will Khoury-Hanold! Thank you Will!
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Our preprint on post-vaccination syndrome is out. We studied immune signatures and examined spike protein in the blood of people who have developed chronic illnesses after COVID-19 vaccination. (1/) medrxiv.org/content/10.110…
Vaccines have saved countless lives and inspired me to become an immunologist. While generally safe, some people experience adverse effects, including Post-Vaccination Syndrome (PVS). Studying PVS is crucial for improving patient care and enhancing vaccine safety & acceptance. (2/) pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37986769/
Happy to share our latest work by @YYexin et al. on antibody-mediated control of endogenous retroviruses in mice. In the process, we found “natural antibodies” with broad reactivity against enveloped viruses. Here is how “panviral” antibodies work 🧵(1/)
Endogenous retroviruses (ERV) are remnants of genetic invaders that have integrated into our ancestors' genomes over millions of years. ERVs occupy ~8% of the human genome and are under constant host immune surveillance. (2/) nature.com/articles/nrg31… nature.com/articles/nrmic…
This work started over 7 years ago when @YYexin and @rebecca_treger began to examine why ERVs reactivate in certain mouse strains. Through many genetic crosses, we figured out that secreted IgM recruits complement to suppress infectious ERV from emerging. (3/)
This time, we developed a nasal booster vaccine for influenza viruses. In this preprint, @MiyuMoriyama et al. show that nasal boosters with unadjuvanted hemagglutinin protein induce sterilizing immunity in mice against flu. (1/) biorxiv.org/content/10.110…
This work builds on the Prime and Spike vaccine strategy by @tianyangmao @BenIsraelow et al. against COVID where mRNA vaccine followed by nasal booster with recombinant spike protein established local immunity, ⬇️ infection & transmission in rodents. (2/) science.org/doi/10.1126/sc…
For Prime and HA against flu, @MiyuMoriyama tested several different mRNA IM prime and nasal HA booster doses, followed by a homologous influenza virus challenge. Like Prime and Spike, no adjuvant is needed for the nasal booster due to preexisting immunity from Prime. (3/)
Much-needed data on the genetics of #longCOVID in a new preprint by @23andMeResearch - GWAS of #LongCOVID identified 3 loci pointing to immune and thrombo-inflammatory mechanisms 🔥 @ninaadsc 1) HLA-DQA1–HLA-DQB 2) ABO 3) BPTF–KPAN2–C17orf58
(1/) medrxiv.org/content/10.110…
Among research participants who reported acute SARS-CoV2 infection, 64,384 participants reported to have experienced Long COVID and 178,537 participants did not. Their analytical cohort consisted of 54,390 cases and 124,777 controls 👇🏼 (2/)
The top locus was in the HLA-DQA1–HLA-DQB intergenic region. Further analysis showed that HLA alleles HLA-DRB1*11:04, HLA-C*07:01, HLA-B*08:01, and HLA-DQA1*03:01 were significantly associated with #LongCOVID. In other words, crucial genes for T cell target detection! (3/)
Keynote talk by @MichaelPelusoMD. “#LongCovid is not a mystery anymore. Working with patients, I have optimism that we can figure this out.” #YaleCIISymposium
An excellent framework in thinking about the pathogenesis of #LongCovid
Sharing this scoping review on "Post-Acute sequelae of COVID-19 in pediatric patients within the United States" by @ChrisMillerDO - an amazing @YalePediatrics infectious diseases fellow focused on research and treatment of #longcovidkids (1/)
Key findings:
- Most pediatric LC patients were adolescents.
- ♀>♂️
- 80% of pediatric LC patients started with a mild initial infection.
- Asthma, atopy, allergic rhinitis (type 2 immune diseases), and obesity were frequently reported pre-existing conditions. (2/)
The most frequently reported symptoms in #longcovidkids are listed here (3/)