What Jarvis really means, is that the signatory descendants of those treaties, who are Mi'kmaw Metis must never be acknowledged or talked about, Never ever ever !!. No one must know, otherwise it clouds the issues !! 🤔😉
Katherine Sorbey - Mi'kmaq elder, historian, founding member of the NonStatus and Metis asssociation of Nova Scotia.
UNSI nominates executive slate for 77 - Kathy Brown Paul - former president of Non Status Indian and Metis Association of Nova Scotia - MicmacNews-1977-04.
"Micmac News 1977 - Non Status And Metis association changed its name to the native council of nova scotia" "1977 - Non Status And Metis association changed its name to the native council of nova scotia."
Volume 17 Issue 2 February - March 1975- Indian News - Native Women confront UNSI Board - Mr. Denny suggested that the Metis and Non-Status Indians set up their own organization.
Micmacs form new native group - Non-status Indian and Metis Association of Nova Scotia - MicmacNews-1990-09. -- Nope nothing to see here folks !! Just an illusion before your eyes, never really existed, right Jarvis, lol
THE METIS PEOPLE 'CULTURAL & DEVELOPMENT' SOCIETY OF NOVA SCOTIA - incorporated 1979 by Rheal Plourde who felt he wasn't being properly represented in the NonStatus and Metis Association.
Micmac News 1979- 05- Metis Form New Association - The Metis People's Cultural and Development Society of Nova Scotia. ( Don't be bothered by archived Micmac News, it never really happened, right Jarvis ? lol )
Micmac News June 1979- Zone 7 - Since Rheal Plourde of St Peters pulled out to form his own association there was need to elect a new board member. #Metis#EasternMetis#PleaseDontLookJarvisSaysSo , lol
Public accounts of Canada, 1973, v.1-3 - Citizen Development Program - Research and Surveys- Rheal Plourde $4,950 Grant Money.
Native people and employment in the public service of Canada-a report by Impact Research 1976- Grant_report Arcadia-Metis and NonStatus Indian Associations - NCC. - NonStatus and Indian Association of Nova Scotia
Metis social-political movement-by Lusty, Terry,1973- publisher- Calgary Metis Historical Society- Metis Associations- UNSI - Union of Nova Scotia Indians
union UNSI supports Metis and Non Status Land Claims - Micmac News 1980 07.
Constitutional Changes - Micmac News 1980 - 06 - Metis is now not an Indian - UNSI constitution changes.
union of nova scotia indian society act.
MicmacNews-1973-03.- Constitution and By-Laws Union of Nova Scotia Indians - sec 3.12 Metis.
Micmac News June 1979 - NO THREAT TO COUNCIL - President Viola Robinson says 75 percent of its membership is Metis because all children of a non-status Indian woman are classified as Metis.
MicmacNews-1977-12- From the Native Women's Association of Canada. - 3. Metis - offspring of nonstatus Indian parents.
Gee, guess if Jarvis and Darryl keep saying it often enough, they are hoping that others who are in positions of power and influence will keep this game going, about no Metis in the Maritime provinces. !! Also their buddy Pam Palmater, whose father self identified in the RCAP
reports as #EasternMetis , Mi'kmaw Metis, so that would mean that she got her status using Eastern Metis genealogy. Can't make this shit up, but just keep saying it anyways Jarvis, Darryl and fellow deniers. 🤥😉Frank Palmater's Genealogy RCAP 432 report.
Considering all the shit that is said, saying those of us who identify as #EasternMetis, are just mixed blood dogs, mongrels, mutts, etc .. Seems it is good enough for others. Some mixed messages there or what?? I know Frank (and therefor Pam) had closer blood ties to his status
relatives comes into play here, which is why she was able to get her status but being a Metis person has no blood quantum. Which was clearly identified in the Powley court case. Frank also clearly self-identified several times as being a Metis person, he also said he didn't care
about status (which comes from the Feds not the Nation), so I don't think it is wrong to care about his own self identity. I also think it is highly hypocritical of those in that situation to be criticizing others.
So in saying all that, no idea why Jarvis would get the impression that there are #EasternMetis who might need to be discussed or as he says entertain the notion. No idea at all !! ( Sarcasm Alert ) 😉
Well Claudette, you are not passing your own rules, you want to call people of Indigenous descent pretendian, than you too meet that label. You want to specify what strenuous battles you had with your lived experience on reserve?, 🤨
Or wait, did you mean your strenuous battles of marrying into the KZ reserve by virtue of your husband? 🤔 🤣 That must have been so strenuous, however did you stand it? 🤔
Where is the expose on Claudette Commanda who has self promoted herself to top pretendian hunter, even though she has no lived experience, her mom is Quebec Metis who she says doesn't exist, and is only native and registered by the fact she married a registered native man.!
Your top pretendian hunters are dropping like flies, Eric Thisdale, who you used to prop up your work, mysteriously disappeared after questions about genealogy, Chrystal does not have the lived experience, you go on about as being one of the top qualifiers if being genuine
@thewalrus Jean Teillets liberal cabinet ministers family identify as French Canadians, many Metis identified as French Canadians , when is the expose gonna be run on her ?
Funny how I can't even see my own replies, guess they are not relevant eh @X
@X As I was saying about Randy Ranville and how many western Metis did not grow up in the culture, why MMF has to tell all these lies which are easily proven, I do not know. !!
While I agree with a lot of this article. It is writing from a point that they are listenjng to lies and historical revision. I don't know the author so im not sure if its goal is to try and further erase the Eastern Metis or not.
Truth, Metis were in the Union of Nova Scotia Indians bylaws in the 70s. Which is close to the time frame that Western Metis were rediscovering and connecting to their own roots.
@TimHoustonNS can you tell me how someone finds out what funding a company gets? Apple Valley Foods Inc, has made their employees take a week unpaid vacation in March, and they have just been told they need to do the same in August. WTH? This is a large company they are being
punished for being too productive? They have too many pies made and no buyers? But the contract workers from Mexico and the Philippines get to continue working and being paid. How is that legal when they are aren't even supposed to have those workers unless they can't find a
local person to do that job? But they can make the local people take weeks off whenever they feel like it because they are being too productive!! Jeff Sarsfield, why the hell are you punishing your employees for being productive? They now do not get to choose their own