I know that NASS takes 1.7% of our budget but the number taking this is less than 3,000 with 469 people taking a large chunk of it. Nigerians are feeling trampled upon when they are the only one paying this sacrifice. Let NASS and executive show us that they are with us.t
It will be ridiculous if any member of the political class deny the fact that anger is in the land. The people feel there is no pain with the political class. Leadership is by sacrifice and by example. Fuel price will still go up based on increase in crude price internationally.
When fuel price increases, it will lead to increase in price of goods and services but the political class are immune to this because they have enough money to cushion the effects. I just increased the allocation to my constituency by 36% and that is because I can afford it.
There is a need for the national assembly and the executive to do away with their paraphernalia of office both at the federal and state level. How many people can afford to increase their allowances the way I did to my citizens? We need a new approach.
The Nigerian media has been buzzing with news of major foreign companies exiting the market, sparking concerns among citizens about the economic implications. The concerns are genuine considering the impact of MNC.
From a marketing lens, this corporate exodus can be viewed as a consequence of Nigeria's sputtering economy and the ensuing battle for shrinking market categories. The cake is getting smaller, and those who want to get a slice of the cake are increasing in number.
At the core of the issue is the phenomenon of the "shrinking cake" - the reality that many consumer product categories are stagnant or declining, even as the number of competitors vying for those finite markets increases.
I have watched with utter astonishment how leadership is not made to be largely responsible when things go wrong in a family, company, institution, state, or even a country.
The above caption depicts my thoughts about leadership.
Leadership can make or mar a country, an institution, an agency, a company, a department, a region, or even a family.
The leader is the driver of the vehicle, and he determines the direction of the vehicle.
In this post, I will be sharing examples from the Nigerian polity.
It is also an opportunity for us to engage and exchange views on the topic of leadership in our nation, Nigeria.
If this topic is not trashed, leaders will always blame citizens for their shortcomings.
Diclosure: I am a practising sales and marketing professional, and this write-up is based on my experience in this field. I also teach marketing as a professional course.
It is going to be a long #Thread
This P&G issue has been a subject of discourse amongst marketing colleagues since the news broke.
There are many angles to look at the challenges.
One of it is the Nigerian economy, whose per capita income has been on a decline since 2016.
When per capita income delines, it is a sign that the average wealth of the individuals in the country is reducing.
We must also remember that Nigeria has been having a double-digit inflation since 2016, which means the purchasing power of the people is reducing.
If you have a restaurant and people find it difficult to park or they have to park on the main road at the risk of being caught by law enforcement agents, then you may be losing clients without knowing.