After she asked to be deported in June, ICE flew Yenifer from Puerto Rico to the US. Then it warehoused her body at LaSalle’s for-profit immigrant prison in Irwin County, Georgia. She’s been demanding her immediate repatriation for months. No justification exists to detain her.
She literally can’t breathe. When she asked for medical help after passing out, but specifically requested not to be thrown in the medical isolation hole, they made her sign a form in English, likely saying she was refusing care (we don’t know because they keep refusing to say).
Yenifer and the women locked up and neglected for profit inside ICDC ask no favor for their sex.
All they ask of this government is that it take its knee off their necks.
Late last night at the Irwin County Detention Center a woman had an asthma attack and passed out. She’s still in really bad shape and needs urgent assistance. Meanwhile, LaSalle Corrections, which gets paid every day she’s there, and ICE are lying to Congress about her condition.
Guess who else has #COVID19? People inside ICE prisons.
They've got limited access to masks, virtually no ability to socially distance, and inadequate access to meaningful medical care. Which is why so many have perished in these places.
Spare a thought for them this weekend?
Imagine feeling the fear and uncertainty that comes with believing you might have contracted a deadly respiratory disease inside a prison that WON'T EVEN TREAT YOUR ASTHMA.
Imagine having to choose between reporting your #COVID19 symptoms to the facility (because ICE refuses to engage in universal testing for fear what it might reveal), only to be thrown into the Hole for a 14-day "quarantine" where you're neglected and denied actual medical care.
If you can’t financially support your municipality without harvesting profits from BIPOC folks’ bodies — whether through private prison payoffs or through medical monetization of vulnerable populations — perhaps you should raise taxes on ppl w vacation homes and side hustles.
Telling people you’ve refused to help support, educate, and empower that their best shot at economic opportunity is to be private prison guards (w none of the public pension benefits or rights) is an admission of failure.
Caging people for profit is not in line w Christianity.
If you’re at 100% free and reduced lunch and you’re twice the state unemployment rate, a private prison isn’t going to solve your revenue problem.
Many of your residents can’t even apply for the jobs because your cops have spent years criminalizing and fining them for $$.
Virtually every major news outlet in the Western Hemisphere has reached out to lawyers and organizations who've been describing these allegations since the @ProjectSouth report broke.
Not a single person I know has heard from ICE, IHSC, DHS-OIG, or any other investigator.
What is more, Dr. Rivera REFUSES to say how many surgeries IHSC approved for Dr. Amin, how many depo provera shots IHSC paid him to give immigrant women, or how many detained people at #ShutDownIrwin have not receive care because of the high return of gyn referrals.
In the cruelest twist, LaSalle added new underwear to the commissary purchase list. Women bought it. But the underwear never came, and the purchases were cancelled.
Upside? Co-Del succeeded in getting LaSalle to replace the shower curtains and clean (some of) the mold.