Levels of trust in America—in our institutions, in our politics, and in one another—are in precipitous decline. And when social trust collapses, nations fail. Can we get it back before it’s too late? @nytdavidbrooks on America’s moral convulsion: theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/… // This
2/ is a very serious essay by David Brooks--much longer than what he can write in the NY Times. He does a very good job of looking at the macro indicators of social mistrust and the larger social-economic forces that drive social mistrust. But, like many conservative and liberal
3/ public intellectuals, the main driver of social distrust and destruction of institutions is completely omitted: the Christian Right. As I ended my interview with @PaulHRosenberg in Salon, salon.com/2020/09/26/beh… public intellectuals completely ignore Hofstadter's
4/ Anti-Intellectualism in American Life which has 3 full chapters on the epistemological disruptions from fundamentalist Christianity. Public intellectuals completely ignore the solid research from @FredClarkson and @julieingersoll on the destructive orientation of the Christian
5/ Right. My own research has focused on how the Christian Right has used its political warfare strategy--devised by Paul Weyrich and William Lind at the Free Congress Foundation called Fourth Generation Warfare--to declare open, vicious, radical, revolutionary warfare against
6/ liberalism, secularism, science, liberals, the Democratic Party and its base, and the Enlightenment. It has been the political strategy, note STRATEGY, to divide Americans and to incite MENACE (fear), UNCERTAINTY, and MISTRUST. Where do the latter 3 come from? From John Boyd's
7/ "Essence of Moral Conflict" which is the epistemological basis for his OODA LOOP. Boyd's biographers wrote that Boyd thought his OODA Loop was so dangerous that he almost did not publish it. But, the OODA Loop is what underlies Fourth Generation Warfare. David Brooks notes the
8/ unravelling and destruction and looks to larger, impersonal forces. But, any all-source analysis would include this truth: this unravelling and destruction is the result of a deliberate political strategy rooted in Christian Reconstruction and pursued by the Christian Right
9/ using the GOP as its battering ram. The truth is that the barbarians are inside the gate. They are already looting and pillaging the state and its institutions. And until you look fundamentalist Christianity in the eye, you don't really understand what's going on.
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1820 Has a Lot to Tell Us About 2020 nytimes.com/2020/09/25/opi… My minority view is that the role of the US as a superpower is essentially over. We're done. We are so divided, that we cannot possibly conduct a relatively stable Cold War policy with Russia & China over the next
2/ several decades. The GOP has already proven that it will accept help from Russia. Despite the bipartisan Senate Intelligence Report, Sen Rubio, the new chairman, repudiated it as soon as it was published. Given our deep divisions, we're finished. Politics used to stop at our
3/ water's edge. Now, the GOP invites the Russians to directly attack our democracy while the GOP directly attacks our institutions. Trump & the GOP are doing everything within the constitution to institute authoritarian rule and delegitimize everything I've ever believed in. And
‘Everything's for sale’: the shocking film on the privatization of American public lands theguardian.com/environment/20… What is vitally important to remember are two things: 1. The push to steal the public's land has been ongoing since Reagan. It would be theft of the ages by oil, gas,
2/ coal, timber, & other mining companies. They already pillage the lands for virtually free. Other key players are the Mormon Church & billionaires. 2. The ruling class who wants to steal the public's lands uses the Bundy's, the "patriot" paramilitary gangs, and others as
3/ ideological camouflage. The latter are the active measures disinformation campaign. I wrote about both aspects in this paper. academia.edu/8674729/CHAPTE…
Weary Gulf Coast mayors say hurricane season has changed for the worse, which many attribute to climate shifts washingtonpost.com/national/hurri… // Just to put Mayor Robinson's (Pensacola) statements in context. He's the mayor of the largest, most important city in NWFL that is in Matt
2/ Gaetz's FL CD1 congressional district. It is a region filled with yahoos, morons, idiots, and imbeciles. You can go into the county-located Publix and see the hillbillies walking in grinning without masks. You can in the county. Pensacola, mask mandated. NWFL is really Lower
3/ Alabama. We have billboards all over the roads about how the imaginary sky daddy will bring peace, comfort, better life, whatever. Our billboards state, Geezus will judge you. So, he wants to talk about solutions and skip the climate change. The only thing the GOP understands
"I’m not advocating for voting against the GOP merely to punish Republicans for Trump’s existence in their party. Rather, conservatives must finally accept that at this point Trump and the Republican Party are indistinguishable," @RadioFreeTom writes: theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/…
2/ As good as this essay is, it says nothing about two things that drive Republican politics: race and religion. What would a "new" GOP offer regarding issues related to race, broadly considered? Second, what would a "new" GOP propose as an alternative to the Christian Right's
3/ break with reality on science and Christian nationalism? Are "new" GOPers going to support evolution, the Big Bang, and climate change science? Will GOPers still pander to the "Christian nation" crowd? @RadioFreeTom suggests that the Beltway issues of conservatives--small
Who Can Win America’s Politics of Humiliation? nytimes.com/2020/09/08/opi… Bernie Sanders has done this. Putting aside racial resentment, there is a great deal of working class resentment against the political & economic elites on materialist issues. The GOP & Christian Right has
2/ succeeded, in part, by shifting those materialist resentments into non-materialist, culture war issues. But, being screwed over by these elites has been going on since the 1980s. Economic inequalities have grown; social mobility has stagnated; and, business has workers at
3/ mercy with the erosion of union density and worker rights. Trump taps both resentments--class and race. But, guess what? Almost all social surveys & social scientists only collect & analyze, respectively, racial resentments. They overlook or ignore the rage that Americans have
Decoding QAnon: From Pizzagate to Kanye to Marina Abramovic, this conspiracy covers everything salon.com/2020/09/07/dec… Guffey wrote a very good four-part series on QAnon from the perspective of a researcher on conspiracy theories. But, why the focus on Hollywood? But, he never
2/ links it to the Christian Right's Seven Mountains doctrine of dominionism (Christians holding sole power in society). He does not tie it back to the New Apostolic Reformation's casting of politics as an existential conflict between God and Satan, Good and Evil. @profagagne has
3/ touched on this link. He did a tweet string on a NAR guy finding clues in Q. The confirmation bias goes beyond being pro-Trump. QAnon appeals to Christian nationalists because it reflects back to them their own religious ideology of Satanists running the government. And this