How is it possible that someone gets paid $1,000 for something that another person is struggling to get $100...
... and for the same quality of work?
How can you grow your income and increase your charges?
The answer is in the reputation you build.
How people perceive you influences how much they are willing to pay you.
If they think you are not worth the price, even if you are good at the job, they'll be unwilling to budge.
While you work to become good at your skill, remember you are not the only person with that skill?
Several other people are also trying to get clients.
It is important to position yourself well in your market.
In the Twitter Money Secrets, I explain how to build authority in 30 days and attract quality clients on Twitter even if you don't have thousands of followers.
It launches on the 12th but you can preorder it today at 65% off.