To be clear, this '6% unemployment' goal of the government means austerity cuts will kick in again when there are still *2 million people* without jobs or enough work.
From dodgy tax tables in the #Budget2020 papers to unbelievably heroic assumptions about growth, Scotty from Marketing’s fingerprints are all over this Budget spin.
We will be fighting these #Budget2020 tax handouts to the super-wealthy with everything we’ve got, and we hope Labor joins us in the trenches instead of voting with the Coalition again.
There are no limits on what is possible right now, if we just have the vision and the courage to stand up to those vested interests who are lining their pockets.
Throughout this crisis we have backed a health led response by the Andrews government and we will continue to do so.
However, the failure of the government to address overcrowding and maintenance in public housing has contributed to this problem.
The government has also failed to provide adequate information and sufficient sanitation in public housing during the crisis.
Earlier in the crisis my office was prevented by the Office of Housing from distributing COVID health information translated into community languages directly to public housing towers in my electorate.
Has Stuart Robert, Minister responsible for Centrelink, just lied in writing about the closure of Abbotsford Centrelink?
He wrote to me justifying closure of Abbotsford Centrelink by saying “the landlord advised they will not retain Services Australia as a short-term or long-term tenant and will not permit any occupancy by the Agency at the premises after the lease expires”.
According to this article today, the landlord offered a “lease extension on existing terms and was awaiting a formal reply... This morning it reached out again to Centrelink to confirm the premises remain available and it is welcome to stay."
On the busy Craigieburn line train home from the city last night, a young boy started crying.
It quickly became obvious no one was travelling with him.
He was very, very distressed.
I watched from two seats away as the woman sitting next to him took charge, trying to find out what his name was & where his parents were. It was almost impossible to get information out of him. She said she’d get off with him at Nth Melb to help sort things out. /2
A man in a CFMMEU top, sitting opposite the boy, checked that the woman was fine to look after him. It was hard to talk with him, so the man and the boy looked at the train map to work out where he lived. The boy pointed to Sunbury, a long way from where we were. /3
The broad ‘progressive’ side of Australia risks drawing all the wrong conclusions from the election - especially about climate and Adani - and it could cost us all dearly.
(A thread /1)
One of the biggest mistakes came when people accepted the implication that Adani/coal = jobs. From the moment that ALP MPs and candidates were being effectively forced to sign pledges to support coal projects because of ‘jobs’, the LNP got a massive boost. /2
Adani, of course, wants to automate its whole endeavour and provide only 1,400 jobs. The right knows this & had been seeking to fight the whole thing as part of a culture war, with coal as a proxy. That was a fight they were doomed to lose. /3
"Did you notice that the Morrison government has slashed Australia's Paris climate target in half?"
The #Greens did, and we're bloody furious about it. Here's the simple version of the conservatives' latest bastardry (a thread).
Over 20 years ago, at the 1997 Kyoto climate Conference, Australia joined other countries to work out what our first 'target' for reducing emissions would be. Australia insisted on receiving special treatment and demanded it be allowed to INCREASE our carbon emissions.
So our first target: We could INCREASE our emissions by 8% on 1990 levels over 2008-2012 (and 1990 was a very high year for emissions).
Beating this weak target wasn't difficult at all.