Greens Leader. MP for Melbourne. Dad of two. A better world is possible. Let's make it happen. Authorised by A Bandt, The Greens, Melbourne
Apr 29, 2024 • 7 tweets • 1 min read
Women shouldn’t have to rally to demand something as non-negotiable as their own safety.
Men’s violence is a National Emergency.
We need to start treating it like one.
In 2024 a woman has been murdered every 4 days.
@FullStopAus told Labor 18 months ago that frontline support services needed $1 billion a year to ensure no one is turned away.
But Labor’s plan funds less than half of what’s required.
There’s no excuse. Fund it all.
May 9, 2023 • 15 tweets • 2 min read
Labor’s second Budget is a betrayal of people who were promised that no one would be left behind.
Budgets are about choices. Labor is choosing a surplus over supporting people who were counting on them.
Labor is leaving millions in poverty while the wealthy and big corporations win big.
Mar 27, 2023 • 16 tweets • 3 min read
Coal and gas have taken a huge hit.
Through our negotiations on the Safeguard Mechanism, the Greens have stopped about half of the 116 new coal & gas projects in the pipeline from going ahead, pollution will actually go down, and we’ve derailed the Beetaloo & Barossa gas fields.
Coal and gas pollution was set to soar under Labor’s safeguard. The Greens have introduced a hard cap on emissions, meaning real pollution must actually come down and the coal and gas corporations can’t buy their way out of the cap with offsets.
Mar 24, 2023 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
Today's a big day for NSW. By voting for the Greens, you can kick out the Liberals and push the next government further and faster on climate action.
This election is close - and a vote for the NSW Greens is a vote for immediately stopping the construction of new coal and gas, and making fossil fuel companies pay for the damage they've caused to the environment.
Mar 14, 2023 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
$368 billion for nuclear submarines.
That’s on top of the $254 billion Stage 3 Tax Cuts.
Remember this moment the next time Labor tell you that lifting people out of poverty is “too expensive”.
There’s always enough money for war & billionaires and never enough for the people who need it.
$368 billion could end the social & affordable housing crisis in this country.
Instead, Labor is buying nuclear submarines that won’t make our country safer.
Aug 3, 2022 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
BREAKING: Greens have secured changes to Labor’s weak climate legislation and will vote to pass it.
But the fight to stop Labor’s new coal and gas continues.
We wanted to improve & pass the bill. By pushing for important changes, we’ve:
‘Dutton-proofed’ the bill so future govs can’t go backwards
Ensured there’s no ceiling on ambition
Made it harder for gov to fund coal & gas
Taken next steps to support coal & gas communities
May 21, 2022 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
This is a Greens-slide. The Greens are on track for our best result ever.
People have backed us in record numbers and delivered a massive mandate for action on climate & inequality.
Scott Morrison is gone.
For a man who spent his term claiming it’s not his job, now it's not and the country can celebrate.
May 20, 2022 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
It’s about to happen!
We're on the verge of kicking out Scott Morrison.
@Greens support is surging & we’re set to be most powerful 3rd party in Parl.
In balance of power we’ll kick Libs out & push next gov to act on climate & inequality.
This is a budget of bribes that funds coal and gas and makes housing more expensive.
It’s a sham. Luckily, this is the last Liberal Budget we’re going to have to put up with.
Cutting through Frydenberg’s Budget night BS in this thread 👇
He starts off with lip service about the climate floods – fuelled by coal and gas that Liberal and Labor want to increase.
This budget gives over $37.6 billion dollars in fossil fuel subsidies.
Jun 22, 2021 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
The Senate has just blocked the government using the renewable energy agency to fund coal & gas!
The Greens motion just won 28-27.
Public money should go to schools, hospitals & renewables, not coal and gas.
This is a massive blow to this coal and gas-fired government.
Coal and gas are not renewable energy.
Jun 20, 2021 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
A regional teacher, unionist and activist, Penny Allman-Payne is proof that Queensland can do better than One Nation’s toxic and divisive politics.
Queensland voters have a clear choice at the next election: One Nation or the Greens. By electing Penny, you can kick out Pauline.
Penny has spent years organising working people to be able to stand up to attacks from big corporations, conservative governments, and billionaires - and I want her to bring that determination and fire to Parliament.
Oct 6, 2020 • 16 tweets • 6 min read
Josh Frydenberg has just stood up to spruik his post-COVID budget.
Spoilers: it will prolong the recession, fuel the climate crisis, and leave young people behind.
Wondering what this trickle-down disaster means for you?
Throughout this crisis we have backed a health led response by the Andrews government and we will continue to do so.
However, the failure of the government to address overcrowding and maintenance in public housing has contributed to this problem.
The government has also failed to provide adequate information and sufficient sanitation in public housing during the crisis.
May 21, 2020 • 7 tweets • 1 min read
Has Stuart Robert, Minister responsible for Centrelink, just lied in writing about the closure of Abbotsford Centrelink?
He wrote to me justifying closure of Abbotsford Centrelink by saying “the landlord advised they will not retain Services Australia as a short-term or long-term tenant and will not permit any occupancy by the Agency at the premises after the lease expires”.
Jun 5, 2019 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
On the busy Craigieburn line train home from the city last night, a young boy started crying.
It quickly became obvious no one was travelling with him.
He was very, very distressed.
I watched from two seats away as the woman sitting next to him took charge, trying to find out what his name was & where his parents were. It was almost impossible to get information out of him. She said she’d get off with him at Nth Melb to help sort things out. /2
May 20, 2019 • 13 tweets • 3 min read
The broad ‘progressive’ side of Australia risks drawing all the wrong conclusions from the election - especially about climate and Adani - and it could cost us all dearly.
(A thread /1)
One of the biggest mistakes came when people accepted the implication that Adani/coal = jobs. From the moment that ALP MPs and candidates were being effectively forced to sign pledges to support coal projects because of ‘jobs’, the LNP got a massive boost. /2
Mar 4, 2019 • 13 tweets • 3 min read
"Did you notice that the Morrison government has slashed Australia's Paris climate target in half?"
The #Greens did, and we're bloody furious about it. Here's the simple version of the conservatives' latest bastardry (a thread).
Over 20 years ago, at the 1997 Kyoto climate Conference, Australia joined other countries to work out what our first 'target' for reducing emissions would be. Australia insisted on receiving special treatment and demanded it be allowed to INCREASE our carbon emissions.