We should stop calling it "Court Packing" and instead call it the "Court Modernization Act."
Which, to be fair, it is. Does it make sense to keep running SCOTUS the exact same way we did before penicillin, the car, the computer, pretty much all of modern life?
So this disability q is fantastic. The 25A and the Presidential Succession Act do not define "disability" and provide no method for automatically removing authority from an unwilling President.
Which reminds me: I had a judge email me the afternoon (!!) of 9/11/01 to say he was grounded in Chicago and could just interview me then. And I said yes, bc... young, and you “don’t say no”! And so I sat in a hotel bar, watching the towers fall on repeat and just... it went bad.
With hindsight, I mean... who emails a law student to conduct an interview bc he might as well, given he’s grounded due to a national catastrophe we are STILL working thru.
He looked out the hotel window. I looked at the bar, and thus at the TVs. It was surreal. And wrong.
Um, wow. KY’s AG had said that Breonna’s boyfriend, Walker, had to be the one who hit the officer, bc the bullet was 9mm and officers only had .40 cal.
Turns out Harkinson, the only officer charged, had been issued a 9mm as well. Bullet could be his.
Also, AG said he didn’t charge officers bc they had right to defend themselves.
One fired 16 bullets. And it took me 5 minutes of looking at KY law to see that acting “wontonly” (recklessly) negates self defense claims for wonton crimes: like wonton or reckless homicide.
Now, to be clear, I’m not a KY lawyer. Maybe there are judicial holdings around this wanton-negation that make it inapplicable here.
But for a grand jury proceeding—where the standard isn’t “reasonable doubt” but “sufficient evidence”—seems like enough to go forward.
Important to remember this: the Supreme Court is NOT a court that INTERPRETS law, it is a “court” that MAKES law.
It is a fundamentally political institution, in ways that lower courts simply are not.
The job is a political job—and one thing that shapes politics is religion.
A SCOTUS justice is a political actor. The cases that make it to SCOTUS are, by definition, ones where the law is unclear and SCOTUS will create law, guided by ideology and politics.
You can’t meaningfully interview someone for that job without asking abt their political views.
Now, obv, this can be done in better or worse ways. You can frame it as some sort of dual-loyalty inherently anti-Catholic way (bad) or as part of a broader effort to understand the interpretative approach that justice will use (totally fine—essential even).
Worth noting that the state rep whose arrest the union chief tweeted out is responsible for "Breonna's Law," a bill pending in the KY lege that would ban no-knock warrants.
Which, to me, is the best response to this: prevent these situations from even being able to happen.
Accountability after harms happen is essential. That didn't happen here.
But in terms of preventing future deaths and other harms, after-the-fact punishments imposed randomly and infrequently (esp for police) won't really shape behavior during the moment.
So elim the moment.
And this doesn't have to be limited to no-knock warrants.
We already give speeding tickets and red-light violations based just on cameras.
So with dash-cams, deny police right to stop for certain driving/car violations. Take the pic, mail the ticket.