2 / Let's start with the word "steroid". We avoid the use of this term because it creates confusion. There are thousands of bioactive molecules based on the steroidal skeleton. They are modified from the much feared cholesterol molecule:
3 / The corticoids used in treatment to control hyper-immune response and allergies are usually hydrocortisone (the thing you use for insect bites), prednisone and dexametasone.
4 / The figurative expression "(something) on steroids" does NOT refer to THESE steroids but rather to a class of molecules which we call "androgenic anabolic steroids" (they are testosterone analogs or testosterone itself). Some examples:
5 / See how similar they look? Because they are all derived from the basic steroidal skeleton. However, their biological action is completely different. While the cortisone-type corticoid have side effects such as depression, immune-suppression, psychosis, ....
6 / ... dyslipedemia and many other unwanted effects, Androgenic Anabolic Steroids (AAS) have virilizing side-effects (hair loss, body hair, and other things you can look up) and are known to cause a general feeling of excitement, euphoria and possibly aggression.
7 / The expression "(whatever) on steroids" is akin to "(whatever) on crack": both refer to a maniac or "turbo", ENHANCED (hence "performance enhancing drugs") behavior.
8 / What Trump *allegedly* used was the "down" type of steroid (a corticosteroid) and not the AAS type.
However, he is a known user of stimulants (adderall is an amphetamine) and I wouldn't doubt he is a candidate for androgenic hormonal replacement.
9 / His "enhanced" behavior is NOT because of the dexamethasone. Ok? Any doubts, ask.
Something else can cause euphoria: a sophisticated pain cocktail including different opioids, muscle relaxants and other "feel good drugs".
10 / We will NEVER know what pharmacological agent affected the behavior of an individual diagnosed with several psychiatric co-morbidities.
But it's not the dexamethasone.
11 / Another confusion refers to the the experimental @Regeneron REGN-COV2 cocktail. This is NOT a drug or a drug combo, mix, cocktail - whatever you want to call it. These are anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies.
13 / "Monoclonal" refers to the fact that they come from one single clone of antibody producing cell line. That is how they can be scaled up into a treatment product. This is different, for example, from an ANTI-SERUM, which was considered as an option for COVID...
14 / ... and is used, for example, against snake bites. In an anti-serum you have several different types of antibodies against one single ANTIGEN.
In the case of a monoclonal anti-covid antibody, a strain producing particularly effective AB is selected...
15 / ... and then CLONED.
Why does it take so long? For the same reason vaccines take long. We don't know when we will select that great strain whose monoclonal antibodies will...
16 / INHIBIT HOST-CELL-VIRUS ADHESION. That's the trick: sometimes you never find. You can come close, some strains "almost" do the job.
What the Regeneron treatment does is to (hopefully) do what our immune system would naturally do, ...
17 / ... except orders of magnitude more powerfully and faster.
What else was Trump given in terms of pharmacological treatment and recreational drugs?
18 / Who the fuck knows? He was always unhinged, had maniac and psychopathic behavior and had a pretty unhealthy relationship with drugs (and people).
So let's not blame antibodies and drugs for his present psychotic reactions.
19 / Instead, let's point our fingers to the irresponsible individuals and organisms that are enabling an already deranged, depraved and sadistic individual to magnify his pathological behavior with drugs and disease.
20 / Oh yes: the disease itself has neurological manifestations. And in elderly patients, ANY infection can cause a temporary dissociative or "dream-like" state.
1 / Who won the debate? Nobody: there was no debate. Kamala Harris would have won a debate if there was one. She is a trained litigator and masters the art of argumentation.
Why wasn't there any debate? Not between presidential candidates or VPs?
2 / Who knows. I suppose if one of the campaign managers insisted on rules the GOP side wouldn't have agreed and would proceed into yet another bout of conspiratory whining. Since it's all about perception and the perception of the average American is informed by...
3 / ... the intellectual capacity of a housefly, I assume this is what you get.
However, as someone who presided over more round-tables and presentations than I can count, let me tell you how it is done.
2 / ... profusely share how good one feels and then use and I-told-you-so argument to "prove" covid is just a mild cold).
2. Trump not only was, but is pretty sick:
- IF the leaked information about his symptoms are true .... =>
3 / (very low oxygen saturation, fever, difficulty swallowing and breathing);
- IF he actually got monoclonal antibody treatment (not approved yet!)
- he might be displaying the slight improvement that precedes either ARDS or some other equally serious covid19 syndrome
Na campanha do @zysmanneiman , não sou eu a responsável por produzir material de propaganda eleitoral para o eleitor nas faixas de renda e educação menos privilegiadas, o segmento que tem a experiência completa da exclusão social.
2. Se fosse, o argumento em favor de uma educação integral de qualidade seria mais pragmática e mais fácil.
3. 1. A mãe trabalhadora e o cuidado da criança
O número de mulheres em idade fértil no mercado de trabalho segundo o IBGE está em torno de 70%. Parte do mercado informal e precarizado é mais difícil de captar.
By now, it is almost consensual that the trumpet is a psychopath. Psychopathy is a complex category and it relates to several classes of disorders codified in the DSM-V. Melania shows psychopathic features as well. @duty2warn
2. If psychopathy is characterized by the (neurological, inherited or acquired) inability to experience empathy, sometimes accompanied by the sexual arousal by the control of the "other" (by manipulation, torture, conning or murder), how can two or more psychopaths bond?
3. Is it possible that psychopaths can not only bond, but associate, organize around their common psychopathic desires? Nobody knows.
From a reputable mental health professional who worked with hospitalized criminal psychopaths for years, I've learned that they can. @duty2warn
H.R. 5602, Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2020, a bill containing measures to prevent white supremacy terrorism, was rejected by the GOP-controlled Senate yesterday.
2. ... 40-50% da força de trabalho. A precariedade é a característica dominante.
Precariedade combina com insegurança alimentar, com impossibilidade de manutenção de padrões de moradia, com dificuldade de deslocamento urbano e com todos os demais indicadores que caracterizam..
3. ....a exclusão social. Tudo isso combina com a vitimização por problemas ambientais urbanos.
O grupo social mais violentamente vitimizado são as pessoas em situação de rua, aquelas que perderam o último lastro identitário, o do espaço pessoal, privado e íntimo.