This is the problem, anyone dismissing or criticizing missed #HERstory was made!Our own internalized sexism/racism/misogyny/patriarchy etc bc the ONLY reason this would be said is bc a woman, a black woman who had to tow a particular line or else THAT would be the news,while 1/4
Pence broke rules,rambled past his time,while she was held to hers. This is all too common, women dismissed, held to a certain standard & even more so WOC! Had .@SenKamalaHarris been any more assertive, & I think she was incredible, did what her white male counterpart did,
she would have been called 'angry,out of line, aggressive,hysterical' disrespectful'? Whatever the adjective, the ? are we saying easily forgettable, not holding white, male counterparts to account? We all know Obama has to also tow that line and it needs to end.
We need to call it what it is, internalized bias, sexism, racism, patriarchy, misogyny. It's import we look within, self inquire how this lives within us, where it shows up,, where we are complicit, bc we are& it does.
We can't heal what we can't see, which lies within.
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THREAD in response to this post&his obvious violation of his oath.Throwing around we are 'simply' a Constitutional Republic is a half story, we are both,we have a democratic form of voting& our Founders,on purpose, put in place a Senate in order to prevent what we've been seeing
The foundation of our American Government, its purpose, form and structure are found in the Constitution of the United States. The Constitution, written in 1787, is the "supreme law of the land"because no law may be passed that contradicts its principles.
No person or government is exempt from following it.
The Constitution establishes a federal democratic republic form of government. That is, we have an indivisible union of 50 sovereign States. It is a democracy because people govern themselves. It is representative because
Thread highlights from. @JoeBiden's INSPIRING CALMING much needed #GettysburgSpeech#PresidentBiden all we need to is VOTE! 1/4
Biden: "We must vote. We will vote, no matter how many obstacles are thrown in our way. Because when America votes, America will be heard."
Biden in Gettysburg: "It cannot be that after all this country has been through, after all that America has accomplished ... that here and now in 2020 we will allow the government of the people, by the people and for the people to perish from this earth."
Biden: "There's something bigger going on in this nation than just our broken politics. Something darker and more dangerous. ... What we're experiencing today is neither good nor normal."
Un hilo de tweet resumido de. @ BrianKlaas del NYT que se enteró de los impuestos de. @ RealDonaldTrump. Lo llama falso, como todo lo demás, pero no demostrará que sea falso, como todo lo demás. Por favor, no vote por él, es un criminal mientras reclama 'ley y orden',
excepto que las reglas no se aplican a él, eso piensa. Hay mucho más por venir mientras lo revisan todo. Estoy traduciendo esto porque es conocido por no pagar a muchos en la comunidad hispana por su arduo trabajo.
así que mientras trabajas duro y pagas tus impuestos, él no es Y
¡Está bajo investigación del IRS por reclamar y recibir un reembolso de $ 72.9 millones y NO pagar impuestos durante 2 décadas, excepto el doble en el que SOLO PAGÓ $ 750.00! Las personas trabajadoras y honestas de la comunidad hispana NECESITAN saberlo.
.@realDonaldTrump has paid ONLY $750 over the past 10-15 yrs &the 1st yr of his Presidency. He's under AUDIT with the IRS bc he claimed and received $72.9 million in federal &state returns that he was not entitled to.
The 'law & order' president=criminal…
There's more to come! He had to cook the
books!! .@realDonaldTrump is a liar & a crook, NOT a successful businessman, he's robbing the country blind too! Can anyone say Deutsche Bank? Now we know a lot of why he didn't want anyone to see his returns.…
How many people pay more than $750 in fed income taxes and claim 72.9 million dollars for a refund?
It's a long read but worth it! He's cash poor,when he leaves he's got over $400 million in notes due in 4 years! .@realDonaldTrump ran for president to MAKE
$ who did he owe $ to?
IMPORT THREAD Comunidad Hispana .@USSupremeCourt escuchará si eliminar o no ACA/Obamacare el 10 de noviembre de 2020 Con una mayoría #SCOTUS si #AmyConeyBarrett se confirma y se sienta, según sus propios escritos contra la decisión del juez Robert, la ACA es constitucional,1/5
de la noche a la mañana, TODOS perderemos nuestra atención médica en su totalidad o en parte y todos perderemos sus protecciones sin importar cómo tengamos atención médica, protecciones de condiciones preexistentes GONE niños cubiertos hasta los 26, cobertura de medicamentos
recetados, cobertura de medicamentos de Medicare, medicaid, derechos de la mujer y de la mujer DERECHO a elegir, nuestra autonomía sobre nuestros cuerpos, derechos civiles, derechos de voto,derechos laborales, igualdad de derechos y más. Todos deben VOTAR, la ÚNICA manera de
The .@USSupremeCourt is set to hear whether or not to eliminate the ACA/Obamacare on Nov 10, 2020
With a majority #SCOTUS if #AmyConeyBarrett is confirmed & seated, based on her own writings against Justice Robert's decison the ACA is Constitutional,
overnight, we ALL will lose our healthcare in whole or in part & all of us lose it's protections no matter how we have healthcare, preexisting conditions protections GONE kids covered til 26, prescription coverage,Medicare drug coverage, medicaid, women's rights & a woman's 2/4
RIGHT to choose, our autonomy over our bodies, civil rights, voting rights, labor rights, equal rights, and more ALL GONE! Everyone must VOTE, the ONLY way to fix this is for Biden/Harris to win (& NO, he's not a socialist), for us to FLIP the Senate blue & keep the House. 3/4