Pioneering physicist Sir James Jeans wrote: “The stream of knowledge is heading toward a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine. Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter,
we ought rather hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter… The universe is immaterial-mental and spiritual. The underlying idea he’s getting across with this statement is that in some way shape or form, consciousness is directly intertwined with what we perceive
to be our physical material world, and that the nature of reality is made up of non-physical “stuff.” He goes on to emphasize how, in the modern day scientific world, “there have been serious attempts to preserve a material world – but they produce no new physics, and serve only
to preserve an Illusion.
This illusion he refers to again, is the idea that the make up of our reality is strictly and fundamental physical.” Physicists shy from the truth because the truth is so alien to everyday physics. A common way to evade the mental Universe is to invoke
decoherence’ — the notion that ‘the physical environment’ is sufficient to create reality, independent of the human mind. There is still a tremendous lack of attention paid to immaterial science in the mainstream academic world. This is odd given the fact that at the highest
of government, usually with the Department of Defense, non physical phenomenon like telepathy, clairvoyance, remote viewing, pre-cognition and more are all and have been heavily studied and verified for a very long time. These phenomena are within the realm of parapsychology,
which is directly intertwined with quantum physics. What convinced me was just the evidence, the accumulating evidence as I worked in this field and I got to see more and more of the evidence. I visited the laboratories, even beyond where I was working to see what they were doing
and I could see that they had really tight controls…and so I got convinced by the good science that I saw being done. And in fact I will say as a statistician I’ve consulted in a lot of different areas of science; the methodology and the controls on these experiments are tighter
than any other area of science where I’ve worked. – Dr. Jessica Utts, the Chair of the Department of Statistics at the University of California, Irvine and a professor there since 2008.
A few years ago, a group of internationally recognized scientists have come together to stress the importance of what is still commonly overlooked in the mainstream scientific community – the fact that matter (protons, electrons, photons, anything that has a mass) is not the only
reality. We wish to understand the nature of our reality, but how can we do so if we are continually examining only physical systems? What about the role of non-physical systems, such as consciousness, or their interaction with physical systems (matter)?
Just to reiterate, at the turn of the nineteenth century, physicists started to explore the relationship between energy and the structure of matter. In doing so, the belief that a physical, Newtonian material universe that was at the very heart of scientific knowing was dropped,
and the realization that matter is nothing but an illusion replaced it. Scientists began to recognize that everything in the Universe is made out of energy. This has been known in the scientific community for more than one hundred years.
I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulating consciousness. – Max Planck, theoretical physicist
So where does physical material matter come from, and why does an invisible force like human consciousness affect it? All perceptible matter comes from a primary substance, or tenuity beyond conception, filling all space, the akasha, or luminiferous ether, which is acted upon by
by the life-giving Prana or creative force, calling into existence, in never-ending cycles all things and phenomena.
Prana. On either side of the spine there is an energetic nerve channel, or nadi : ida on the left and pingala on the right. The prana or energy travels upward through the ida nadi. With this upward movement, the breath is automatically drawn into the lungs. As a result the mind
is drawn outward to the world of the senses. The energy then travels downwards through the pingala nadi. When the energy is going down, it is called apana. This downward movement is accompanied by physical exhalation, and signifies a rejection of external circumstances.
One manifestation of this cycle is the association of inhalation with excitement and happiness, and exhalation with defeat and depression. Happiness and sadness must always follow each other when the cause of each is external circumstances, which are always changing.
through pranayama techniques one can instead redirect the energy through the deep spine between the ida and pingala called the sushumna. When the level of energy in the sushumna reaches the top of the spine and goes into the spiritual eye, or sixth chakra, one becomes enlightened
One of many, in fact, who had been contemplating the ether and its relation to what we perceive as physical material matter. In ancient times, Plato referred to the ether. This is from his work Phaedo: “And upon the Earth are animals and men, some in a middle region, others
in islands which the air flows round, near the continent; and in a word, the air is used by them as the water and the sea are by us, and the ether is to them what the air is to us.”
And here is another interesting quotation from this ancient text:
And they allowed Apollonius to ask questions; and he asked them of what they thought the cosmos was composed; but they replied; “Of elements.”
“Are there then four?” he asked.
“Not four,” said Larchas, but five
And how can there be a fifth,” said Apollonius, “alongside of water and air and earth and fire?”
“There is the ether.”
Ether has got to be, once again, established, then there will be the meaningful understanding of physics, meaningful understanding of metaphysics, and meaningful understanding of spiritual processes.” –Parahamsa Tewari
“Hakomi” is a Hopi word meaning “Where do you stand in relation to the other realms”
The mysterious spiral…said to be a magical path, but to what destination and for what purpose?
Seems these designs flourished into what we call mazes as well.
People go into great detail to design 3D mazes up to this very day. Paths leading to dead ends and islands upon islands, physically unconnected to the rest of the maze or a intricately difficult path leading to a middle where innovative items were placed.
And DON’T FORGET these “spirals” are found in extremely old “petroglyphs” warning of global calamities and horrible flooding complete with “devil like” creatures pointing to them and people fleeing into the mountain tops.
The spiral phenomena is nothing new considering we have
The phantom time issue. Looks like those extra 1,000 years suggested by Fomenko and Nosovsky are indeed equal to 1,000 years. We cannot simply subtract 1,000 from 2020 for there is a method to the PTB trickery. Here is what this 1,000 years consist of:
( Courtesy of KD)
753 years + 247 years = 1,000 years
247 years: difference between "year of Christ" and "year of Rome"
753 years: maliciously added number to create 1,000 years
753 BC: the official date of when the city of Rome was founded.
This was needed to fraudulently present I / i / J / j as
1. I.e.:
I653 became 1653
i587 became 1587
J472 became 1472
i725 became 1725
Whether these I / i / J / j stand for Julius Caesar is up to us to determine. They sure do not stand for Jesus Christ or #1.
It's of paramount importance to understand when they convinced us that I was 1
The most famous world’s expositions are considered to be those, held in Paris. Particularly they set the pitch in global development of everything: starting from art and finishing with military industry.
So, let's start with Paris.
Old Eiffel Tower looks a bit odd with some spheres attached to its framework. Let’s look closer from the opposite side (both photos were made around the year 1900).
The building at the background is Palais du Trocadéro, which was demolished for some reason in 1935.
That’s an interesting case we have here. Some kind of balcony (gallery) with lightbulbs is installed on the tower, and if you look closer, you’ll see some pillars that look similar to the pillars located at the top of the palace at Champ de Mars. But what’s left on the tower now?
By the end of 1936, Hindenburg had crossed the Atlantic 34 times, carrying over 3,500 passengers and more than 66,000 pounds of mail and freight, and the ship’s highly successful 1936 season seemed to indicate that regular transatlantic air service had arrived.
Imagine a world in which luxury travel was not only available to everyone, but was also affordable. In its day, airship travel was twice as fast as steamship travel and didn't require one to spend days adjusting to the tossing and turning of the ocean.
As a matter of fact, according to the writings of Kenneth Price Jr, 1lb of coal could carry one person and their luggage from Berlin to NYC at the cost of $1/lb!
So not only do airships like the Hindenburg utilize anti-gravity tech (Helium is lighter than air), they are also more
The unique characteristic of the animal, plant or object shown as the hieroglyph presents a function or natural principle of the Universe beyond. - Discovered by
Courtesy of @BellariaGigi
The anatomy of birds is very complex, in the Bible it is quoted, “God created every winged bird according to its kind” and “saw that it was good” (Genesis 1:21). If you look at a feather under a microscope it appears like a natural capacitor or collector of electrostatic charge.
In the early 1900's George Lakhovsky book entitled The Secret of Life explained the electrostatics of a bird in flight. Using a Ducks wing and insulating himself from the earth by means of two rubber discs of 2 cm thick and using a radium electrometer he was able to measure a
Because it must not be all doom and gloom,
I'd like to suggest a music themed interlude. Name the most recognizable song by its intro alone. 60s to 90s. Add how many seconds: 3 6 9. @ninjasniperpon1@numlungzthe1 @previouslyGO372 @cynical_biatch