No two scenarios that require leadership will ever be the same.
Environmental conditions change, demeanors change, moods change, motivations and assumptions change, etc etc.
Never assume that a decision that worked in the past will work in the future because the scenario “appears” the same.
This is especially true in scenarios that involve human relationship dynamics. By definition, dynamic means constant change.
Cookie cutter solutions, transferable from scenario A to scenario B, are rarely available when human relationships are at play.
Every scenario requiring leadership is unique: it’s never occurred in the past and will never occur again in the future. Act accordingly. #leadosophy#LeadingThroughChange#Philosophy
Not enough focus on good followers in the game of #Leadership.
Good followership entails: deliberate observation of and reflection upon Leader X, Y, or Z’s leadership effectiveness or lack of effectiveness.
Followers should seek to identify and evaluate: how leaders’ X / Y / Z actions, attitudes, decision making, belief in others, character traits, etc., affect those at the individual level, and affect those within a team framework. We could extend this into our communities.