Hmmm scanned Tyler TX (This is Gohmert’s district) news and one channel didn’t mention the debate on the twitter feed the other had a general news story
So far @TeamCornyn doesn’t have a post debate tweet up and @JohnCornyn has a couple of retweets of an article quoting MJ’s primary opponent.
I watch a debate and end up disliking both candidates by the end (usually one more than the other) which is why I don’t like debates, but sometimes people have a really good night.
I do like how MJ turns an attack into an advantage
Mike Pence the head of the coronavirus task force leading a non-socially-distanced low masking rally at the largest retirement community in the US has to be peak #2020 (at least it is outdoors)
*Remembers the utter scandal on UK twitter when one minister drove his kid and visited his elderly parents when he was supposed to be in lockdown* (I think, I didn’t entirely follow what was happening)
If my parents lived there I can guarantee you some tersely worded phone calls and warnings about indoor public dining.
Also considering the number of octogenarians in the Senate and all the travel and how many people they meet they should have a regular testing program too (along with masks and distancing). It’s just common sense.
Somehow this 👆🏻 is a hyperpartisan liberal cuck issue because #2020
Anti-maskers are so weird, like is a doctor supposed to contract every disease to make them stronger? I have tuberculosis and HepC and 12 rhinoviruses
They also invoke an anti-fragile Taleb argument having never read Taleb regarding masks.…
The paleo folks can be the worst anti-vax, anti-maskers...modern infectious diseases are Neolithic my dears. They had parasites in hunter-gatherer times, not swine flu.
It was interesting yesterday to see an epidemiologist make a calculation whereas a clinician would think about the same scenario exactly backwards.
A clinician would see an adult with likely unilateral conjunctivitis and hypothesize a certain pre-test probability for COVID and use that plus the known sensitivity/specificity of the test to estimate the accuracy of the test.
The epidemiologist calculated the negative test into a starting risk number and then ran an equation about unilateral conjunctivitis and population risk of having COVID.