The far-right misogynist featured in this video is Timothy Clayton Ryerson. He is licensed (# 536) as a Bail Bond Recovery Agent in Washington state.
You can send in a complaint about Ryerson to the email address found here:…
Yesterday Ryerson aka John Dee took credit (along with violent Patriot Prayer follower Chandler Pappas & others) for the theft of the "nightmare elk" from downtown PDX, boasting in far-right facebook groups controlled by Audra Price & Shelby Walman
Ryerson also attended the extremely violent fascist rally on 2020/08/22 in downtown PDX alongside neo-Nazis and fascists from the Proud Boys hate group.
For reasons which remain unclear, Tim required a change of pants partway through the event.
Unhinged far-right misogynist Timothy Ryerson has recently been a constant presence at events organized by "conservative" fascist collaborators Audra Ann Price & Shelby Steven Walman…
Timothy Ryerson has frequently been seen wearing selections from disgraced alt-right organizer Joey Gibson's Patriot Prayer merch.
RCA has compiled a lengthy (but sadly inexhaustive) list of fascists & neo-Nazis Gibson has assisted
Fascist collaborator Audra Ann Price's (…) weekly pro-cop flag wave has attracted a sizable & aggressive crowd of far-right agitators, many of them armed, who are currently harassing & threatening people in downtown PDX.
Large aggressive far-right crowd is traveling South on Third toward the Justice Center. Fascist collaborator Sorbeah Almosa is with them.…
Violent far-right & fascist agitators currently threatening & harassing Portlanders at 2nd & Madison in downtown PDX.
Given some of the recent coverage treating anarchist, antifa, & black bloc as interchangeable terms, we would like to offer up a quick glossary explaining the distinctions between these things. (Hint: none of these are a cabal running BLM. That is a Trump/Far Right lie.)
Antifa: It has been widely circulated that antifa is simply an ideology. However there are 2 primary strains of antifa in the US rn: organized groups who do ongoing antifascist work, and individuals who identify loosely with the term & help out in an ad hoc manner.
In v short summary- the idea of a mass movement, large protest form of antifa in the US is rather recent and relates specifically the ascendency of Trump & the Alt Right that propelled him. This is when most Americans learned the term.
Throwback to that time in June f r e a k i n 2018 when we published the first of a series of articles--all chock full of concrete evidence--taking an in-depth look at the core components of the Proud Boys' white nationalist ideology.
Time for some quotes?
"McInnes has argued that the Proud Boys are the revitalization of an American tradition, a lineage that can be traced back to 19th century fraternal orders like…the violent anti-immigrant political party, the Know-Nothings."
"Another men’s club from the era of McInnes’ nostalgia, the first iteration of the Ku Klux Klan, invented deliberately absurd ranks and titles (Grand Cyclops, Imperial Wizard), and rituals to both intimidate and entertain.”
1/5 The MAGA hoards are quick to point out POC membership in Far Right groups as if that is unassailable evidence that they are neither racist or fascist. We will briefly address this here.
2/5 This is not really different from right-wing women who advocate against feminism. They are providing a valuable service --plausible deniability-- so they receive a lot of personal reward within the movement they are in. Haley Adams started her activist career w/ "himtoo".
3/5 Having a lot of brown faces out front helps these groups tremendously. Tarrio and Gibson have profited personally from their involvement in the Far Right. It's basically a matter of placing self-interest over solidarity.…
1/14 A common derailing technique of the Far Right is to say they are not racist or fascist or similar. This shifts the argument to what someone is rather than what they do. This makes the argument about something unprovable: the content of hearts and minds.
2/14 Far right actors are extremely adept at deploying this type of argument in a controlled interview environment. Joey Gibson for example is very good at modifying strains of this argument to suit both liberal and right audiences.
3/14 Then he goes and has a beer with a bunch of Nazis. So the metric for judging racism or fascism is not whether someone says: “I am a white supremacist.” Or even if they are POC. Nearly every variety of the Far Right has a work around for this by now.
The demonization of #antifa as a political strategy of Trumpism derives from a few clear right-wing ideological traditions: US anti-communism, anti-Semitic conspiracy theory, and classical fascism. This mega-long thread will trace the anti-communist or Red Scare portion.
The Far Right has been justifying its own horrible behavior by attempting to portray the Left as even worse for a very long time. Much like today, this idea has been used to excuse political repression and extermination tactics.…
One of the binding agents holding the right together has been an opposition to liberalism, socialism, & global communism, often treated as a single enemy covertly collaborating to enact their evil agenda.…