Shifting metro carshed from #Aarey may cost us a few thousand crores more (Mumbai can afford it) and it may take a couple of more years to complete but the environmental gains from this decision is something future generations will applaud us for.
There is no doubt Mumbai urgently needs the #Metro and it is an immensely important project for the city. It needs to be completed as soon as possible. But while achieving this, if we can save green cover in a green starved city like Mumbai, nothing like it.
As someone who uses public transport for personal travel (I don't own a car) I am very keen that the #Metro is completed as soon as possible. But to do so we can't disregard the environmental cost completely. We have to make every effort to save spaces like #Aarey
Every time I took the train I cursed the authorities for not building a Metro sooner. I am happy #Mumbai is finally getting a Metro. But we don't have to kill green cover to build a Metro. This is not a zero sum game. Green cover also matters.
The #SushantSinghRajput case has taught me how fine, well meaning people can be misled and ill-informed by fake news. Explaining 'CDRs don't come with initials' or 'the mandate and proceedure of postmortems' can be difficult to explain to someone without domain knowledge.
If one isn't bothered about details or facts don't matter, dissemination of information is easier. Amplifying fake news is easier than correcting perceptions that've been created by constant bombardment of agenda driven information. Journalists have to do the latter, not former.
Post-mortem report, viscera report, initial statement of family, statements of mental health practitioners, statements of other witnesses recorded by police, nothing matters because all this evidence doesn't count when the agenda has been set & real news is far behind fake news.
According to some migrant workers who came out today, it’s because they wanted to show what they were feeling. Desperate, they apparently organised themselves to come out. They repeat ‘we want to go home, even if it’s on foot.’ They say the food being supplied isn’t enough.
They add they are getting dry rations and meals but not enough. And while working they had shifts so there was place to sleep as half of them would be at work. Now everyone is home so no space to sleep in their shanties. Even using the pay and use toilet costs money, they say.
But what’s also very clear is that these migrant labourers don’t want to live in camps. They know staying in a camp means they are stuck. And mentally, they had planned to leave on the 14th. Currently Maharashtra Government has 4573 labour camps sheltering 560450 & feeding 736939