This attack on the only local media outlet truly holding his feet to the fire on the people he sentenced to death is textbook authoritarian behavior, pay attention to who responds accordingly.
This guy is being floated--not unreasonably! Wouldn't be his first Cabinet position!--as Biden's attorney general when the thing he is most famous for in the world is using the law for political retribution against his critics. Where is Anne Applebaum's column on it?
His corruption is legendary, he's currently--as in, right this moment--targeting a religious minority who have been the victims of a campaign of violence. And he just nuked education in New York b/c of a rivalry with the mayor, so he's presiding over unseen death and suffering.
The impression that all these major publications give is that they don't actually oppose authoritarianism or Balkan-style rantings against minorities, they just want to be part of setting the targets. I will celebrate if a single one of them shows otherwise.
PS-- Here's Cuomo on twitter putting out a *map* of where to find the, in his telling, disease-spreading Joooos. Great work everybody who gave this guy a pass and are still doing so. Hope you sleep well at night.
adding to the thread: where's that Anne Applebaum piece
Just want to remind everyone that it's simpler to have principles and not have to memorize your current position or keep a rolodex of excuses. I highly recommend having core beliefs.
Hillary had to die so that skeptical journalism may live again. I hope she haunts you all.
Have to say, coming from the Jewish world, where we've had women leaders forever while celebrating life and family, I just don't understand these senators' overt fear of a woman who excels both at motherhood and intellectual leadership. This whole resentment complex is so weak.
The wider secular culture feeding it as well--I mean, these senators are a reflection of their base, and much of the insane coverage of this as well. If more of these ppl understood religious culture and history they would resent successful women less.
And religion aside, kinda feels like resentment fuels so much of our political and culture discourse in America. What a bad scene.
The author of a book promoted by NPR just happens to be a massive antisemite, the guy the presidential nominee met with about racial justice just happens to be a massive antisemite, etc etc etc. Antisemitism is a freebee in America, so no harm done, right?
"These two," she says, pointing to two other Jewish underground soldiers in the film adaptation of Elie Wiesel's 'Dawn,' "they don't love us." Then she drops the hammer:
Ppl prefer to believe we always and ever have a govt of one because it’s less taxing on their own civic responsibilities. And because they can conjure ‘fascism’ when it doesn’t exist but they clearly pine for it.
A big problem is that ignorance like this is probably more prevalent in the media and campaign politics than anywhere else. Message:
Pretending local gov't doesn't exist wishes away most of what actually controls your way of life. A lot of ppl like living like this. As a former local reporter, I find it abhorrent. But ppl prefer to call the president a fascist than to vote on the school district's budget.