A massive new social struggle is about to begin, in which the vast majority of humankind will resist the techno-slavery being imposed on it by the fascist 1% elite.
Don't believe us? Then read the words of Klaus Schwab, head of the capitalist WEF:
“We are at the threshold of a radical systemic change that requires human beings to adapt continuously. As a result, we may witness an increasing degree of polarization in the world, marked by those who embrace change versus those who resist it.
"This ontological inequality will separate those who adapt from those who resist—the material winners and losers in all senses of the words.
"The winners may even benefit from some form of radical human improvement generated by certain segments of the fourth industrial revolution (such as genetic engineering) from which the losers will be deprived.
The first of four pillars for his "global framework" is misleadingly called "The Gaia Principle" - in fact an acronym for “Guaranteed Annual Income for All” - ie social credit/universal basic income.
"We definitely don’t have a healthy market economy. We have a metastasizing monopoly. Black Rock actually owns a big chunk of Vanguard. And Vanguard owns part of Black Rock. And it’s destroying our whole society" - Nancy Robertson
"They know there’s been pushback & that pushback's been effective. More & more people see how insane that agenda is. These are desperate measures. Mobs are enlisted to enforce identity politics & political correctness, to make us fearful of speaking up" - @stella_morabito
"Unfortunately, the violence will escalate because those who push that agenda will become increasingly desperate to prevent any non-compliance with their agenda. And how do you do that? You do it through terror" - @stella_morabito
They state their "commitment to enhancing and improving global governance” – more top-down global control – and even go on to declare that this should be carried out in the “agile” way specifically recommended by Klaus Schwab!
The BRICS declaration echoes the global industrial mafia’s insistence that human rights include something called “the right to development” and that such “rights” should be implemented “on the level of global governance”.
"No national electorate on Earth has ever given their democratic mandate for the UN to create a global governance regime to serve the interests of private capital. But that is precisely what it has done" - @_InThisTogether
"Just like the G7/NATO alliance countries, the BRICS maintain their joint commitment to the UN Charter, a key document for the establishment of a system of global tyranny, where nation states are relegated to vassals of an international Criminocracy"
Hopefully, our analysis of Charles III's dodgy global connections will encourage more people to take a careful look at the "impact" investment industry, closely linked to the "sustainable development" racket.
Impact profiteering is very much tied in with the Great Reset and its Fourth Industrial Revolution, which aims to set up the infrastructure through which this new form of digital serfdom can be imposed.
"They want to believe that the war has already been won, that the 'Fourth Industrial Revolution' is inevitable, and history is proceeding inexorably towards the technocratic dystopia that Klaus Schwab and his brood of vipers envision. Bullshit"
"One is reminded of the Wizard of Oz, the pathetic little man hiding behind a curtain, using tricks to pretend to be a terrifying sorcerer. This is the essence of propaganda. It exists to trick you into giving your power away"