Today, we will take a break from the regular mindful moments, activities, and reminders.
Instead, we are going to tweet every hour a few thoughts, hopefully, insightful on their own and when looked at collectively as well.
Let us begin.
A life that’s fulfilling and meaningful is a life worth living; such a life can be called a 'success'.
Everyone wants to feel fulfilled, happy, blissful; they want to feel complete, but it often doesn’t happen for most people. Isn't it?
All other things being equal, there is a difference between those who succeed and those who don’t. What do successful or happy people know that others don't?
Happy people don’t let excuses come in the way of life and unhappy people do the opposite.
There’s always going to be a reason why we can’t go to the gym, or meditate, why we can’t quit smoking, or stop drinking, why we can’t live a certain way. The truth is, they are not reasons but excuses.
Winners transform their obstacles into challenges and they seek a sense of fulfillment in tackling them.
The defeated ones turn their challenges into excuses and present them as reasons. They always have a legitimate explanation behind their procrastination or non-action.
Achieving success is simply a matter of attitude, of choice, a choice between finding an excuse or finding a way, between finding meaning and rejecting one.
There’s always an alternative, an option for our present life. It may not be the most attractive one, for it may entail more toil and trials. However, living becomes an enjoyable journey then.
Success begins with a commitment to the next step. And the next step. One step at a time.
In years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds, this beautiful life is fast passing by, and we are trying to obstruct its path by throwing excuses on its way like nails on a race track.
Successful people focus on solutions while the rest build on problems.
So what's our excuse to not succeed or not to be happy?
This ends the tweets-thread on the topic. If you read all the tweets in the thread, it will, hopefully, come together to form a meaningful share.