Destinataire des #DenonciationCalomnieuse et ainsi témoin du harcèlement produit par la radicalisée pakistanaise @GruaAbuseArkive, @PoliceNat44 a refusé, à quatre reprises, de prendre ma plainte et m'a physiquement jeté hors du commissariat Waldeck Rousseau.
Le comportement irresponsable de @PoliceNat44 est d'autant plus inexcusable qu'il existe un module spécial de Twitter afin que les forces de l'ordre (#LawEnforcemet) puissent avertir la modération de Twitter en ce qui concerne les comportements délictueux.…
@Johanna_Rolland et @NantesMetropole n'ont jamais dénié donner suite, ni même répondre, aux nombreuses de demande de rendez-vous qui leur ont été adressées afin de mettre fin au harcèlement et aux appels à la violence.
Avec, l'exemple de la radicalisée pakistanaise #RamlaAkhtar@PoliceNat44 et @Johanna_Rolland montrent que les crimes tels que celui de #Conflans sont encouragés par l'indifférence des autorités à l'égard des atttaques sur le réseau @Twitter contre leurs propres concitoyens.
Lutter contre les attentats islamistes impose 1 véritable prise de conscience des pouvoirs publics, des forces de l'ordre et de twitter quant à leur propres responsabilité dans la neutralisation des discours haineux, du harcèlement & de la divulgation d'informations personnelles.
Dear Madam, dear Sir,
Ms Ramla Akhtar aka Rmala Aalam, tweeting under @GruaAbuseArkive, stalking my name in her Twitter name, ID and bio, in addition with a permanent defamatory harassment, says she recently visited the cyber crime office. That's an important information.
That's an important information. Since Ms Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam, confirmed to you her identity, her name, her phone number and her location, you can proceed with the complaint I sent you on July 23, 2020. Please, see the attachment.
Dear Punjab Police @OfficialDPRPP while Ms Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam, "manager" of BetterBonds in Husseini, Gojal, Gilgit-Batilstan, tweeting under @GruaAbuseArkive is asking you for advices, I respectfully suggest you some, I think, relevant ones.
1. I would appreciate Ms Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam stopping impersonating me in her Twitter ID, in her Twitter name and, sometimes in her bio, when not using my profile picture in her banner.
2. As Ms Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam, lives in Gilgit-Baltistan, it might be interesting to ask her why, despite posting terrible allegations since more than one year, she does not turn to Gilgit-Baltistan Police but to Punjab Police instead.
@cybercrimefia Dear Madam, dear Sir, I am a Franch citizen. I would like to answer the defamation & the calumnious denunciation posted below your Tweet by the account @GruaAbuseArkive, which as you may is abusing my last name "Grua" for its stalking.
@cybercrimefia@GruaAbuseArkive@GruaAbuseArkive is an anonymous account of the 40 years old woman named Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam. She is the manager of Betterdonds a herbal shop in Husseini Gojal. She spreads hatred against Wakhi people and xeonophobia against foreign visitors. She calls for violences.
Ramla Akhtar, aka Ramla Aalam, @GruaAbuseArkive considers her repeated anonymously/impersonated calumnious denunciation brought "improvements." She should make a search, here, or on Google, about #Ramlaakhtar#RamlaAalam#BetterBonds etc... Devastation. Stupid rabid freak.
What is improvement for a fem. stalker Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam, in spreading hate speech against foreigners and local minorities? While just ranting on Twitter and devasting her reputation. A complete mess up with Social Media…
What is improvement for a fem. stalker Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam, @GruaAbuseArkive in spreading hate speech against foreigners and local minorities when she will have these evidences on the web for the rest of her life.…