If I were coming in on January 20th at 12:01 p.m to start investigating the Trump Administration's child separation atrocity, I would first ask for EVERY scrap of data available for each of the 545, and EVERY bit of intell from Latin American on deportees who had LOST a child.
2. After I had all the above data together, I would create "rows" of data for all 545, STARTING with (as known):
* First_Name
* Last_Name
* Middle_Name
* Age
Then tranche for each AGE from 0-3 months, 3-6 months, 6 -9 months, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5, 6, 7 to 18.
3. The reason for smaller tranches for the very young would be to customize search tactics for age and for lack of memory of parents. Also for likely connections. Up to one year, highest likelihood of ADOPTION. Tween females, concern for risk of trafficking.
On the "other end," send investigators to Latin America, gathering data on any "lost" children, build a DNA data base.
* Q. I would want to ask experts how much detail DNA could show in area of indigenous groups. Tracking regions where a group lived (cross-national).
Clearly, the "chain of custody" for these 545 was CUT, but bits and pieces of the chain may be out there. And people talk. Someone took a child from point a, to b to c, to d, to END, and I doubt there was anything like "cells" here to keep info tighly held.
END: GroupSource welcome. Anyone have any "tracking" ideas to add? Thanks.
2. Another image that haunted me from Tokyo. The Jizo, protecting the water spirits, the souls of the lost, the miscarried, the aborted. A liminal place, and a mindset so unlike that in the U.S.
Spirit Tokyo. This story began with the image of a tiny ghost, flitting and bouncing his way through the pachinko parlors of Tokyo, with their bright lights and constant clinking and plinking!
Curious to see results of contact tracing of this whole group of ministers and public figures in this grouping I don't have name at moment, but know at least one of these ministers attended this event AND Rose Garden super spreader and is confirmed POSITIVE
Of DIRECT relevance to me as I work in DC, go in on certain days, and in the 25 days since these events, our infection rates have skyrocketed. Highest since mid-summer after steady decline. Incredibly enraging that White House has more cases than Viet Nam and Laos, COMBINED.
So much sadness and rage now. Turned to wonderful, luxuriously in-depth piece from Rupert Everett on the 10 year process of getting his Oscar Wikde film 🎥 through production. From DC Metroweekly (10/18/2018).