Roguehealth @Mangan150 said I had a Phd in unemployment and in a few words reframed my last 30yrs.
Maybe I should set up an online 1-year degree course. Millions would be interested because they just f**king hate employment.
I'd call it, 'Unemployable' - no one university has given classes/lectures on that
- how to escape entrapment (a job)
- how to survive with no money
- how to deal with *massive* pressure
- how to deal with being 'a loser'
- what to do whilst unemployed
- turning down work
Other subjects; keeping healthy, coping strategies, serendipity, fear, timidity, opportunity, generating ideas, what to say in company/at parties, self-respect, gaining knowledge, nature as a relief from misery, discovering the hidden city, building your own empire of the mind,
Can confirm. I made ~$60k this way - zero start up cost, zero advertising cost, zero stock, no money invested. All I had was an idea - something I was interested in. I've seen others make far more than this doing the same thing.
The drive was freedom, the vehicle was technology.
It's not abt the sum of money u make as $60k is nothing to many people I know on twitter - it's the satisfaction of living how you want, not having to commute, &the beautiful effects of uncertainty, serendipity, not having an enforced schedule or knowing where you'll be in a year
Further, I am nothing like my friend @jaffer - he is a true old skool entrepreneur; his skills honed in business trench warfare. I am an normal person not an entrepreneur, I think the term entrepreneur puts normal people off - they believe they need an innate business gene..
"All a lockdown does is defer the problem, it doesn't make the problem go away".
Lockdown can have a benefit if it stops society being overwhelmed (+ gives time to implement other strategies) i.e a *short, sharp* measure; but the longer it goes on the worse the -ve effects.
If you take out whether the lockdown was appropriate for this particular virus, and look ONLY at the dynamics of a lockdown; an EMERGENCY life-saving measure is verrrry appropriate but will itself harm the agent if used too long.
View it with regard to anaerobic/lactic energy production - this is an evolutionary life saver, but eventually harms the body (PH imbalance) so must stop.
Life-saving methods are just that - they are appropriate acutely, not chronically.
Yesterday I came across this (newly) deceased pigeon. No sign of how it died.
It's surprising how many city pigeons are tagged, meaning they're owned. I realised it was a racing recorded the tag details (GB19 (Z)****)...
...found out the owner is a member of the Royal Pigeon Racing Assoc (denoted by 'GB') the '19' is the pigeon's birth year.
I'll phone the RPRA and let them know - they'll pass the details on to the owner.
A few years back I found a dead tagged pigeon in a small village in...
Somerset (south west England) - it had a phone number on its tag (apparently, they can also have the phone no. printed on the their wing). I phoned the owner; he told me the bird had been released in Jersey and was making it's way to the Midlands.