If you’re looking for affordable schools in Canada, check Atlantic Canada & the Prairies
This is a list of ALL Universities in both regions
Newfoundland and Labrador
- Memorial University
New Brunswick
- Mount Allison University
- St Thomas University
New Brunswick (Cont'd)
- Université de Moncton
- University of New Brunswick
Nova Scotia
- Acadia University
- Cape Breton University
- Dalhousie University
- Mount Saint Vincent University
- NSCAD University
- Saint Mary’s University
- St. Francis Xavier University
Nova Scotia (Cont'd)
- Université Sainte-Anne
- University of King’s College
Prince Edward Island
- University of Prince Edward Island
- St. Thomas More College
- First Nations University of Canada
- University of Regina
- University of Saskatchewan
The 10 Canadian Careers that will be in demand in 2020 & beyond.
Note that this is based on job opening projection and median wage.
The list is NOT exhaustive, meaning there are other professions that are (or would also be) in demand as the economy is making progress.
No matter the profession you choose, with careful planning, improving your skills, and building your capacity, you can find success in any field
If your profession is also not in the list below, you can explore the prospects of any profession in Canada at bit.ly/3aPi7m4
1) Software engineer/Designer/Web developer
The Tech Industry is rising in Ontario, BC, Sask & Quebec
Opportunities will open in the sector, including engineers, developers, or designers, but there won't be enough qualified workers to fill the positions cbc.ca/news/business/…